
来源 :小学生(中旬刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongbeiljb
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想象力的培养是小学美术教学的一项重要目标,而且要想让学生出色的完成美术创作的学习内容,必须要引导学生形成良好的想象力,这样学生才能够进行创造和创新,用想象力作为创作之源。因此,小学美术教师要善于通过有效的教学指导来挖掘以及拓宽学生的想象力,从美术教育和学生实际出发来革新教学方法,为学生的想象力插上腾飞的翅膀,推动学生美术综合能力的发展。一、营造情境,开辟想象空间要想让学生的想象空间被充分 Imagination is an important goal of primary school art teaching, but also to enable students to successfully complete the art of learning content, we must guide students to form a good imagination, so that students can create and innovate, with imagination As the source of creation. Therefore, primary school art teachers should be good at digging and broaden the imagination of students through effective teaching and guidance. They should innovate teaching methods based on the actual situation of art education and students, insert the wings of students ’imagination and promote the comprehensive ability of students’ art development of. First, create a situation, open up the imagination space To make the student’s imagination is enough
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