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米坪镇是河南省西峡县北部的一座小城镇,位于豫陕鄂三省交界地带,历史上中原文化同秦、楚文化在此碰撞、融合,包含锣鼓乐的米坪抬妆古饰是本地独特文化现象之一。 The town is a small town in the north of Xixia County, Henan Province. It is located at the junction of the three provinces of Henan, Shaanxi and Hubei provinces. Historically, Central Plains culture collided with Qin and Chu cultures, One of the unique cultural phenomenon.
The La(III) complex with a new amide-type tripodal ligand, 2,2,2-nitrilotris{[(2-benzylaminoformyl)- phenoxy]ethyl}amine (L), was synthesized and characterized
As the phase transfer catalyst (PTC) is one of most important catalysts in organic synthesis. Here, we represent initial results of a research program aimed at
利乐近日推出了全球首个获得Vinotte最高级别认证的无菌纸包装——采用生物质塑料、搭载30 mm轻巧盖的1L利乐峰无菌包装。新包装的塑料薄膜与开盖均由甘蔗提取物聚合而成,连
【正】 In March each year glyphosate enters a period of brisk production and sales and theprice increases. This past March the priceof glyphosate increased from
本文介绍了新研制成功的舰船用66-10G3高压空气压缩机的技术性能、结构特点以及试验结果。 This article describes the newly developed 66-10G3 high pressure air compre
尹×男31岁汽车司机住院号5359 1986年6月16日5时许,汽车驾驶室顶盖被装载的钢材压塌,头压挤在方向盘上,向左偏,右拳垫在右眼颞侧眶缘。五分钟 Yin × male 31-year-old ca
在现代的外国作家诗人中,与中国有缘的莫过于美国的赛珍珠(PearlBuck)和英国的威廉·燕卜荪(William Empson,1906~1984年)了。赛珍珠在中国生活将近40年,其间创作了以中国为题材