
来源 :疯狂英语·口语版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gudujian123456
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  Q: For years I’ve had a passion for English, the feeling and desire to speak and think in the language. However, one thing happened as I began learning French. Since I don’t want to mix my feelings up with two completely different languages, I find it hard to get my “English feelings” washed away! I’d like to get a new feeling, new enthusiasm for French, same as I have for English. But, does it mean that I will have to drop the English language? Do you have any good idea that you think can help me pull out of this mess?
  A: About French - let’s ask: how do you say “lesson” in French? What about “pardon”, “record”, or “question”? The words are practically the same!!! Surprised? You shouldn’t be. Over the years, English has “borrowed” many words from French, which at that time was considered the language of educated people. As a result, for most casual English words have formal ones, coming from French. French vocabulary is not unlike formal English vocabulary, but pronounced differently. The rest is grammar. And, I know - French grammar can be a headache...
  Q: Though my mother tongue is Chinese, I barely have any enthusiasm for writing my thoughts down in Chinese! Right now, I’m majoring in journalism, so I need to be good at writing. I’ll be really, really grateful to you if you could give me any good suggestion or advice.
  A: Firstly, congratulations on your success with English so far!
  Let’s first discuss your problem of writing in Chinese. You assume, correctly, that writing is a skill in journalism. But here is a fact: 90% of all people don’t have the skills to compose a letter (let alone a convincing piece of writing) in their own language. This is true of any language. Now, being good at a language is far from being a good writer. A journalist needs to be a good writer, first and foremost. Since writing is a process (not an activity), writing skills improve by focusing on the writer, not on the writing. Language is secondary. Writing is a “transferable” skill. Write well in one language, and you will write well in any language you learn.
  In the end, the hard work must come from yourself. Teachers provide directions to avoid what doesn’t work. But on the road to achievement, you need to do your own walking.
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