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我国典制史巨匠马端临在宋末元初撰就的《文献通考·经籍考》,首开辑录体解题目录之局,颇有资格赢得五顶桂冠——书目帜垒、学术门户、考据玉府、校勘他山,辑佚渊薮。但草创者难为功,势必存在美中不足之处。对此,本文试作初探如下: 定类例综录群籍,以考历代著述之胜概,这是《经籍考》所确定的编撰义例之一。为此,马氏努力贯彻自家提出的“节目明备说”,遥承近袭,因中求革,锐意于类目的增设、组合、离析及更移,构筑了四部五十五目的分类体系。与此同时,致力于编次上的调配、改隶和缀附,究心于互著法的自觉运用。经过这番厝置,四千多种“存于近世而可考”的文化典籍遂绳贯珠联,缩聚一编,不仅使自古迄宋华夏著述之大观得以概见,也使封建学术的横向分支和立体格局突兀而立,无怪乎张之洞在《书目答问》中特向诸生指点说:“《文献通考》中《经籍考》,虽非专书,尤为纲领。” 尤为纲领的《经籍考》,在类例区定及落实上,并非尽善尽美。一是著录有明显的遗漏现象。如宋敏求《唐大诏令集》、龚明之《中吴纪闻》、朱熹《伊洛渊源录》、陈揆《文则》,即失载。 二是存在徒事更张的情况。《新唐书·艺文志》首立诏令一门,原本附于起居注。马氏认为:“古左史记言,右史记动,后官制中起居郎、起居舍人,即左右之任也 Ma Dianwen, the great master of the Chinese system history, wrote the document entitled “Passing through Literature and Quizzes” in the late Song and early Yuan dynasties. It was quite eligible to win the title of “Five Titles” - Biblical Barrier, Academic Portal, Textual Jade House, collation of his mountain, editing lost Yuan 薮. However, if the grass-roots creators struggle hard, they will inevitably have flaws in the United States. In this regard, this paper try to explore the following: Set examples of comprehensive group records to record the victory over the descriptive records, which is the “test” to determine the preparation of one of the cases. To this end, Ma’s efforts to implement their own “programs that are prepared to say that” the recent attack, due to reform, determined to add to the category, combination, segregation and more moved to build a four-fifty-fifth purpose classification system . At the same time, devoted himself to the deployment, alteration and affixing of the editorials, and the conscious application of the mutual-share law. After this house, more than 4,000 kinds of “ancient books can be stored in the test” of the cultural classics then Shengzhuanyuzlian, condensed a series, not only from the ancient to Song Huaxia’s grand view can be generalized, but also to make the feudal academic landscape Branches and three-dimensional pattern abrupt rise, no wonder Zhang Zhidong in the “bibliography Q u0026 A special questioning” to the students pointing: “” literature examination “in the” textual test “, though not a book, especially the program. The ”test“, in the type of district and implementation, not perfect. First, there are obvious omissions. Such as Song Min seeking ”Tang Dazhao set“, Gong Mingzhi ”Wu Ji Wen“, Zhu Xi ”Iloh source records“, Chen Kui ”text“, that is, lost. The second is the existence of more Zhang things. ”New Book of Tang Arts Yi Chi,“ the first edict, originally attached to the living Note. Markov said: ”The ancient leftist history of words, the history of the right movement, post-official living Lang, living in person, that either around
文章简述了巴尔顿——凯普勒的文献老化方程在文献计量学中的地位,并根据该方程的原意,澄清国内学者近年来对该方程的严重误解。 The paper briefly describes the position