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天花粉蛋白(Trichosanthin)是一种使用简便而有效的中期妊娠引产药物。鉴于目前临床上一般采用肌肉注射天花粉蛋白粗提物引产,剂量5—10毫克,估计由肌肉转移至血循环的天花粉蛋白量,每毫升血液中至多也只有毫微克水平。因此,为了准确地了解天花粉蛋白在血循环中量上的动态变化,探讨天花粉蛋白的代谢规律,进一步深入研究天花粉蛋白在细胞水平和分子水平的作用原理,以及改进临床用药途径和降低有效剂量,建立天花粉蛋白的超微量分析技术就显得更加迫切和重要。 Trichosanthin is a simple and effective midwifery induction medication. In view of the current clinically commonly used intramuscular injection of crude trichosanthin abortion, the dose of 5-10 mg, estimated by the muscle transferred to the blood circulation of trichosanthin protein, per milliliter of blood at most only nanograms level. Therefore, in order to accurately understand the dynamic changes in the amount of trichosanthin in the blood circulation, to explore the regulation of trichosanthin protein, trichosanthin further in-depth study of cellular and molecular levels in the role of principle, and to improve the clinical route of administration and reduce the effective dose, the establishment of Trichosanthin ultra-trace analysis technology becomes more urgent and important.
TO be, or not to be, that is the question ...“ to Hamlet and to the majority of people, who generally treasure life and fear death. In many cultures it is tab
1文献类型治疗。2证据水平2a。3文献来源Alam N,Shepherd FA,Winton T,et al.Compliance with post-operative adjuvant chemotherapyin non-small cell lung cancer.An anal
目的分析研究尤瑞克林在治疗急性前循环脑梗死方面的近期临床效果。方法 58例急性前循环脑梗死患者,随机分为观察组和对照组,每组29例。两组患者均给予常规对症治疗,在此基础
This paper mainly deals with two mainstreams in teaching listening comprehension:bottom-up processing approach and top-down processing approach.In the first par