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在直流电桥检定中各电阻元件的阻值测量完毕之后,要进行平滑调节臂各盘示值的累加更正值及阶梯臂各电阻的更正值计算。如果它们的相对误差不满足电桥检定规程附录中给出的各桥臂电阻元件误差分配的参考数据,则必须进行综合误差计算才能判断该电桥是否合格,这是一项比较费时的工作。在实践中我摸索出了一种比较简便而又比较准确的方法,现介绍如下。一、单电桥单电桥元件检定综合误差计算的关键在于怎样找出平滑臂各盘示值综合的正、负最大相对误差。为了方便基于更正值表的综合误差计算,可以算出综合相对更正值ξ,而综合相对误差即为-ξ。设平滑臂第I盘的步值为10~KΩ,则以下各盘值依次为10~(K-1)Ω,10~(K-2)Ω,…。若I盘某一示值n_1的更正值为ξ_1Ω,相对更正值为:ξ_1=ξ_1/(n_1·10~K);Ⅱ盘某一示值n_2的更正值为ξ_2Ω,相对更正值为ξ_2=ξ_2/n_2·10~(k-1);…m盘某一示值n_m的更正值为ξ_mΩ,相对更正值为ξ_m=ξ_m/n_m·10~(k-m+1)。则以上各示值组合后的综合相对更正值为: In the DC bridge test after the resistance of the resistance element is measured, the smooth adjustment arm to each plate shows the value of the cumulative correction and the ladder arm of the resistance correction calculation. If their relative errors do not satisfy the reference data of the error distribution of each arm resistance element given in the appendix of the bridge test protocol, it is necessary to make a comprehensive error calculation to judge whether the bridge is qualified or not. This is a rather time-consuming work. In practice, I worked out a more convenient and more accurate method, are introduced below. First, the single bridge single bridge component verification The key to calculating the integrated error is how to find all the smooth plate shows the value of the positive and negative maximum relative error. In order to facilitate the calculation of the comprehensive error based on the correction table, the comprehensive relative correction value ξ can be calculated, and the comprehensive relative error is -ξ. Assuming that the step value of the first arm of the smoothing arm is 10 ~ KΩ, the following values ​​are 10 ~ (K-1) Ω, 10 ~ (K-2) Ω, ... in turn. If the corrective value of a certain indication n_1 of I disk is ξ_1Ω, the relative correction value is: ξ_1 = ξ_1 / (n_1 · 10 ~ K); the correction value of some indication value n_2 of disk Ⅱ is ξ_2Ω, The value is ξ_2 = ξ_2 / n_2 · 10 ~ (k-1); ... The correction value of an indication n_m of m disk is ξ_mΩ and the relative correction value is ξ_m = ξ_m / n_m · 10 ~ (k-m + 1 ). Then the combination of the above shows the relative value of the overall correction is:
列夫·托尔斯泰 (1828-1910),俄国伟大的批判现实主义作家、文学家、思想家、哲学家。创作了俄罗斯文学史上的巨著《战争与和平》《安娜·卡列尼娜》《复活》。1879年经历了一次信仰危机后信奉和平主义,主张以勿抗恶的方式对社会进行改革,并否定自己以前的作品。托尔斯泰晚年力求过简朴的平民生活,因执着于自己的信念与家庭关系恶化, 1910年11月10日出走,20日因肺炎逝于出阿斯塔波沃车站。  玛特
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本文尝试对道家中的名家学派所涉及的某些辩题作出粗略的数学解读,并揭示其对于中国古代数学进展的影响。 This article tries to make a rough mathematical interpretatio