,Shake table tests of different seismic isolation systems on a large scale structure subjected to lo

来源 :交通运输工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MyFairy83
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Seismic isolation systems designed for extreme events may likely experience low to moderate earthquakes during the design life of the structure rather than the extreme event itself.In new seismic building design codes,low and moderate earthquakes are also mandatory to be investigated in Turkey and some other countries.One of the main reasons is to protect the integrity of non-structural elements or machines during these types of earthquakes.The selection of appropriate seismic isolation is typically decided based on their forcedisplacement characteristics and amount of energy dissipation per cycle.The same energy dissipation per cycle (EDC) can be achieved by high force-low displacement or low force-high displacement response.The focus of this research is given to identify the performance of ball rubber bearing isolation systems compared to different or similar EDC units such as elastomeric bearings and lead rubber bearings through a series of shake table tests performed at low to moderate earthquake levels.Shake table tests were conducted on an almost full scale short span bridge.The tests have revealed that the ball rubber bearings are superior to elastomeric bearings in terms of EDC and can match EDC of LRB.However,although LRB and BRB have the same EDC,BRB is more beneficial to use under low to moderate earthquakes since BRB can transmit less force with larger displacement compared to LRB and LRB can sometimes stay in elastic range with an ineffective EDC as a stiffer elastomeric bearing.
玉米新黄4和黄改113的GCA效应低于黄早4,其GCA在地点间的稳定性较差,因此不能用其更换生产上配制的全部杂交组合中的黄早4. 27—263×新黄4比豫玉1号极显著增产,达10.1%,可直
【摘要】幸福教育主要是以人的情感培养为教育的目的,深刻理解人的发展与教育,利用合理的教育创造幸福的人。阅读是人类获取知识的重要手段,也是听觉有障碍者进行学习与交流的最基础方式。基于此,作者结合自身工作经验,对幸福教育理念下提高聋生阅读能力的有效策略进行详细的分析研究,以供相关人员参考。  【关键词】幸福教育理念;聋生;阅读能力;提升  【中图分类号】G762;G623.2 【文献标识码】B 【文章
【摘要】作文对于学生来讲是一个非常重要的部分,在小学作文中,素材单一、语言苍白都是现实存在的问题,本文将从体验式教学在小学中的实际应用来讲述如何改善小学生的作文写作。  【关键词】小学;作文教学;体验式教学  【中图分类号】G434;G623.24 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)36-0189-01  體验式教学有利于学生体验生活,小学阶段对学生来讲是一个基础性的时期
【摘要】小学语文是小学阶段的重要课程,对于孩子们的学习和生活都有着深远的影响。在当下的教学任务中,小学语文阅读的重要性越来越受到大家的重视。优美的文字,动人的故事可以让孩子们拓宽视野,培养他们独立思考的能力。所以,怎样更好的让孩子们学好语文阅读是目前教师们正在不断突破的课题。本文针对苏教版小学语文阅读教学进行了合理的分析,旨在寻找更适合课堂教学的小学语文阅读学习方法。  【关键词】苏教版;小学语文