
来源 :语文教学与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beilei
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近期,我们江苏邗江县举行了全县初中语文课的评优活动(借班上课),其中有三位老师的课很出色,让评委们感到为难:一等奖只设一名的话,对其他两位都不好交待。这三堂课之所以这样难分高下,那是因为这三位老师:一、引导学生去发现,把学习的主动权交给学生“要我学”与“我要学”只 Recently, we held an evaluation activity for junior high school language classes in the county (Jiangmen, Jiangsu Province). Three of the teachers’ classes were excellent. They made the judges feel embarrassed: if there was only one first prize, then the other two Bits are not easy to explain. The reason why these three classes are so difficult to divide is that these three teachers: First, guide students to discover, and give the students the initiative in learning to “let me learn” and “I want to learn” only
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In the wake of its astounding success at home,China’s fledgling smartphone maker Xiaomi seems ready to take on the global market Li Hong,a 33-year-old investme
一、填空题(每小题3分,共24分)1.计算:3th30°-2sin60°+ctg45°的值为 First, fill in the blanks (3 points for each question, a total of 24 points) 1. Calculation:
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一、主与次的转换 由于思维定势的影响,同学们在解题时,总是抓住“目标”(主要研究对象)不放,这在多数情况下是正确的。但在某些特殊情况下,若能把某个处于次要地位的研究对