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社区是聚居在一定地域范围内的人们组成的社会生活共同体,是现代化城市发展的重要依托。在居民委员会转型和社区建设过程中,形成了大量的关于社区组织、管理的档案材料。这些档案材料既是社区民主管理、民主选举、民主决策、民主监督以及社区居民自我管理、自我教育、自我服务的真实记录,也是国家全部档案的组成部分。社区建档是一项全新的工作,既有档案管理的共性,又有社区建设的特殊性。对这项新生事物,档案部门要引起充分的重视,迅速行动起来,满腔热忱地投入到社区建档工作中去,将档案指导工作拓展到社区,加大对社区建档工作的指导力度,促进社区档案工作的开展,更好地为全面推进社区的两个文明建设服务。1、把帮助、指导社区建档工作纳入议事日程,当做重要工作来抓。档案部门要把社区建档指导工作纳入议事日程,作为整个档案指导工作的重要组成部分,指定专人抓好这项工作,确保社区档案的收集、整 Community is a social life community composed of people living in a certain geographical area, which is an important support for the development of modernized city. In the process of the transformation of neighborhood committees and community construction, a large number of archival materials about community organization and management have been formed. These archival materials are not only the true records of community democratic management, democratic election, democratic decision-making, democratic supervision, self-management of community residents, self-education and self-service, but also part of the entire archives of the country. Community filing is a brand new work, both the commonality of file management, but also the particularity of community building. To this new thing, the archives department should pay enough attention to it, take prompt action and devote itself devotedly to the construction of the archives in the community, expand the guidance of archives to the community, increase the guidance on the archives filing in the community and promote Community archives work carried out to better promote the community for the two civilizations and better services. 1, to help and guide the community archives into the agenda, as an important task to grasp. Archives departments should document the guidance of the community into the agenda, as an important part of the entire file guidance, designated someone to do a good job of this work to ensure the collection of community files, the whole
让我们再来做下面的几套题目吧,开动你的脑筋,很快你就会成为硕士哟! Let’s do the next few sets of questions, start your brains, and soon you will become a Master!
在一个高一学生眼里,高三似乎很遥远,遥远得只能眺望,就像眺望那黑夜里深不可测的繁星。 In the eyes of a freshman student, the third year seems to be far away and fa