Heterozygous carriers of galactocerebrosidase mutations that cause Krabbe disease have impaired micr

来源 :中国神经再生研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kenlixin
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This review addresses two puzzling findings related to mutations in galactocerebrosidase (GALC) that cause Krabbe disease (KD), a severe lysosomal storage disorder characterized by extensive myelin damage in children with mutations in both GALC alleles. First, heterozygous carriers of KD-causing mutations, which include the biological parents of children with KD, exhibit increased risk for developing other dis-eases. Second, variants in the GALC locus increase the risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS), another disease characterized by extensive myelin damage. What explains these correlations? In studies on cupri-zone-induced myelin damage in heterozygous (GALC+/-) mice carrying one copy of a mutation that causes KD-like disease, the extent of damage was similar in GALC+/- and wild-type (WT) mice. In contrast, GALC+/-mice had striking defects in repair of cuprizone-induced damage. We further found unexpected microglial defects in myelin debris clearance and in the ability to up-regulate the Trem2 microglial protein critical for debris uptake. These defects were rescued by exposure to a lysosomal re-acidifying drug discovered in our studies on KD, and which provides multiple clinically relevant benefits in the twitcher (GALC+/-) mouse model of KD. Thus, heterozygous GALC mutations cause effects on biological function that may help to understand the increased disease risk in heterozygous carriers of such mutations and to understand why GALC variations increase the risk of MS. Our findings indicate that while some genetic risk factors may contribute to complex diseases by increasing the risk of tissue damage, others may do so by compromising tissue repair.
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