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随着社会以及经济的飞速发展,人民的生活水平也是在不断地提高,温饱已经远远不能满足当前人们的需求,人们的关注点或者是眼光更加的偏向于精神以及美的的追求,随之而然的带动了我国艺术行业的发展,越来越多的大学生去学习艺术专业,同时社会对于艺术生的要求也是越来越高,这无疑是给学校带来了更多的机遇和挑战。艺术生大学英语与专业相结合的教学模式是一种新的教学方式,意在将大学的英语教学与专业相结合,在完成语言教学的同时更多的添加专业因素和专业特色,笔者就这种模式进行了深入的探讨,希望能为构建大学英语与艺术专业相结合的教学模式、确立编写更加贴切的教学用书提供帮助。 With the rapid development of society and economy, the living standards of the people are also constantly improving. The food and clothing are far from meeting the needs of the present people. People’s attention or eyes are more biased toward the spirit and pursuit of beauty. However, the development of art industry in our country led to the development of more and more college students to study art. At the same time, the social demand for art students was also getting higher and higher. This undoubtedly brought more opportunities and challenges to schools. The combination of college English teaching and professional teaching mode is a new way of teaching. It is intended to combine English teaching with professional teaching at the university, add more professional and professional features while completing the language teaching. This paper probes into the mode of teaching in detail and hopes to help to set up a teaching mode that combines the combination of college English and art major and establish a more appropriate teaching book.
每个人都有吸引别人的地方,比如容貌、性格、气质等。那么,你的魅力体现在何处呢?请完成以下测试,看看自己有什么样的吸引力。 Everyone has a place to attract others, su
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Literariness Russian formalism strongly advocates a study on internal principles and laws that govern the text and devote themselves to find out what makes lite
1 坚持医德医风“四法”,强化医德医风建设 在社会主义市场经济条件下,医德医风建设如何克服市场经济的负效应,永远坚持道德大于金钱的原则,把“救死扶伤、实行革命的人道主
日前,安徽省临泉县统计局为提高工作效率、确保基本单位普查与统计工作两不误,推行了统计人员以“222”和“322”方式组合的“滚动式”作业法。 “222”方式组合,是指基本单