各位领导、各位朋友、各位书法同道: 首先,我代表中国书法家协会对所有获奖的朋友表示祝贺,向为“中国书法兰亭奖”作出贡献的同志们,特别是青岛崂山区政府的同志们表示诚挚的感谢! “中国书法兰亭奖”是中共中央宣传部批准,中国文联和中国书法家协会联合主办的全国书法专业最高奖。本届兰亭奖受到全国书法界广泛关注和热情支持。征稿以来,共收到创作稿件二万三千四百八十六件,理论稿件一千二百余件,书法教育稿件一百三十六件,书法编辑出版稿件一百二十件。经过认真评选,共评出了书法创作奖三十名,理论奖十五名,教育奖四名,编辑出版奖六名。
Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to congratulate all the award-winning friends on behalf of the Chinese Calligraphers Association and comrades who have contributed to the “China Calligraphy Lanting Award”, especially the comrades of the Laoshan District Government in Qingdao We sincerely thank! “” China Calligraphy Lanting Award "is approved by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, China Federation of literary and art circles and Chinese Calligraphers Association co-sponsored the highest calligraphy professional. The Lanting Award by the national calligraphy community widespread concern and enthusiastic support. Since the solicitation, a total of 23,486 manuscripts have been received, 1,200 theoretical manuscripts, 136 calligraphy manuscripts and 120 manuscripts have been published. After careful selection, a total of 30 calligraphic creations, 15 theoretical awards, 4 educational prizes and 6 editing and publishing prizes were awarded.