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体育教师应该利用好课堂这一良好的契机和场所对进行抗“挫折能力”教育,建立培养学生良好心理品质的教学目标,在对学生进行赏识教育、成功教育的同时,还应该更多地进行抗“挫折能力”教育,中学生正处在青春期,是培养学生优良品质和健全人格的黄金时期,必须抓好这一时期,遵循青少年生理、心理及品德形成的基本规律,采用适合中学生身心特点的教育手段和方法,科学合理地进行抗“挫折能力”教育。要寓教于乐、寓教于景、情景交融,达到晓之以理、动之以情、导之以行、炼之以意、持之以恒的效果。 Physical education teachers should make good use of the good opportunity and place in class to set up the teaching goal of cultivating students 'good psychological quality by carrying out the education of resistance and frustration, and at the same time, more should be given to students' appreciation education and successful education Middle school students are adolescent, is to cultivate students good quality and perfect personality of the golden age, must grasp this period, follow the adolescent physiology, psychology and moral formation of the basic law, using suitable Middle school students' physical and psychological characteristics of educational means and methods, scientific and reasonable resistance to “setbacks” education. To edutainment, edutainment in the King, the scene blend to reach the dawn of reason, moving in love, with the line, refining the meaning of, persevere effect.
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