一、早修整树冠 采摘多年的茶树,树冠生长枝较细弱,“鸡爪枝”较多,从而影响茶树养分的供给和新梢的生长。因此,要在惊蛰至春分春芽萌发前进行修整,剪去蓬面“鸡爪枝”、“枯死枝”,一般剪去5~7厘米。冻害严重的茶园要进行重修剪,剪去8~10厘米。幼龄茶园进行定型修剪,修剪整枝均要整平茶树冠面,促进发芽整齐,平衡生长。 二、早施催芽肥 当气温稳定在10℃以上,茶树根系开始萌动时,要抓紧在惊蛰前后追施催芽肥。催芽肥一般以氮、磷、钾复合肥或速效性化肥施在茶树根部周围为主,辅以叶面喷施。据测定,667平方米产干茶100公斤的茶园,全年应施纯氮15公斤、纯磷5公斤、纯钾5.7公斤为
First, as early as the crown picking tea tree for many years, crown growth branch is relatively weak, “chicken claw sticks” more, thus affecting the supply of tea nutrients and shoot growth. Therefore, in Jingzhe to spring spring bud budding before trimming, cut Pengmian “chicken claw sticks”, “dead dead branches,” generally cut to 5 to 7 cm. Frozen serious damage to the tea garden to be pruned, cut 8 to 10 cm. Young tea plantations stereotypes pruning pruning pruning should be leveling the tea crown, and promote sprouting and tidy, balanced growth. Second, as early as germination fertilizer When the temperature is stable at 10 ℃ above, tea roots began to sprout, we must pay close attention to germination before and after the start of Jingzhe fertilizer. Germination fertilizer generally nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer or quick-acting fertilizer applied around the roots of tea, supplemented by foliar spray. It is determined that 667 square meters of dry tea production of 100 kilograms of tea plantations throughout the year should be applied nitrogen 15 kg of pure phosphorus 5 kg of pure potassium 5.7 kg