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目的了解北京市怀柔区居民2011和2013年传染病健康素养水平变化情况。方法 2011和2013年分别采用多阶段随机抽样方法对怀柔区18岁以上居民进行抽样和现场问卷调查,两次调查对象来自同一源人群,调查内容和计分标准统一,调查内容包括传染病知识性、行为性、技能性健康素养3个方面的相关指标。结果 2013年共调查1 250人,居民具备传染病健康素养的比例为7.04%,高于2011年(调查2 257人)的1.99%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。与2011年调查结果比较,2013年调查人群对“预防流感最有效的措施是接种疫苗”“乙肝感染途径”的知晓,对“选择饭店就餐时注意卫生状况”“砧板生熟分开”“不共用毛巾”行为的形成率,以及对“能快速获取想要的传染病知识”“能看懂传染病宣传折页”“能看懂血常规化验单”技能的掌握率均明显提高,但其他指标水平无明显变化或反而有所下降。结论目前怀柔区居民传染病健康素养总体水平较低,自2011年以来怀柔区关于传染病知识、行为、技能的健康宣教工作取得了一定成效,但仍存在漏洞,需有针对性地进一步开展宣教工作。 Objective To understand the changes of health literacy levels of residents in Huairou District of Beijing in 2011 and 2013. Methods The multi-stage random sampling method was used in 2011 and 2013 to sample and survey the residents above 18 years old in Huairou District. The two subjects were from the same source population. The contents of the survey and the standard of scoring were unified. The investigation included the knowledge of infectious diseases , Behavioral, functional health literacy three aspects of the relevant indicators. Results A total of 1 250 people were surveyed in 2013, and the proportion of residents with healthy infectious diseases was 7.04%, which was higher than 1.99% in 2011 (2 257 people), with a significant difference (P <0.01). Compared with the 2011 survey results, in 2013, the surveyed population was aware of the most effective measures to prevent influenza from being vaccinated and the pathogen of hepatitis B infection. They should also pay attention to the health condition when dining at restaurants Health and cooked to separate “” not shared towel “behavior formation rate, as well as ” can quickly get the knowledge of the desired infectious disease “” can understand infectious disease propaganda leaflet “ can understand the blood Routine test orders ”skill mastery rate were significantly improved, but no significant change in other indicators or instead declined. Conclusions At present, the overall health literacy of infectious diseases among residents in Huairou District is relatively low. Since 2011, some achievements have been made in the health education on infectious diseases knowledge, behavior and skills in Huairou District. However, there are still some loopholes that need to be further carried out. jobs.
目的了解市场上销售的食品中致病菌污染状况,发现食品中存在的安全隐患,为有效降低食源性疾病提供科学依据。方法 2012年抽取市售的8类食品样品进行沙门氏菌、大肠埃希菌O157
重组竹是由原竹经一定生产工艺制作得到的一种高强竹质复合材料,研究重组竹材料的纵向单轴本构关系,是建立此类材料本构关系进行重组竹基本构件非弹性分析的基础. 笔者在将重
赵子平 天津师范大学 软件学院rn我主要介绍一下天津师范大学软件学院这几年的发展情况.2009年,我们与天津理工大学、天津工业大学成为天津市首批市属示范性软件学院.2013年,