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李英,男,1931年12月出生,云南大理人,白族。教授、研究生导师。专业背景:有机合成专门化。1957年7月云南大学化学系本科毕业;1957-1974年在成都工学院化工系有机化学教研室担任教学与科研工作,兼任有机化学实验室主任;1974-1993年在成都科技大学(现四川大学)皮革工程系担任教学与科研工作,先后任皮革工程系主任、轻工业学院院长、兼任皮革研究所所长、国家专业实验室主任、皮革工程研究中心主任、国家教委科技委纺织轻工学科组成员、四川省科技顾问团第二、三届顾问、四川省“八·五”皮革工业发展领导小组成员。1987-1988年作为高级访问学者,赴美国农业部东部地区研究中心(ERRC)从事合作科研活动。1989-1993年被聘为国家教委留学生司公派出国留学生评审专家。1996年退休,至今仍受聘于亭江精细化工股份有限公司,任技术顾问。李英教授毕生从事教学与科研工作,后期致力于皮革化工材料开发研制。作为皮革学科的学术与技术带头人,曾参加第20、21、23届国际皮革工艺师与化学家协会联合会(IULTCS)会议,并组织、主持1992年在中国成都召开的国际皮革科学与技术会议。先后发表科技论文34篇,其中6篇为国外刊物如EL、JALCA所收录或发表。合作编著出版《合成鞣剂》、《皮革用表面活性剂》等专著。在国家“七·五”、“八·五”期间,作为科研项目的主要负责人与完成者,获通过鉴定验收的项目成果共9项,其中,如:《新型高档系列皮革化工材料》(含19个子项)、《新型氧化-亚硫酸化加脂剂》等6项获部、委、省级科技进步二、三等奖。曾获国家科委“七·五”星火科技先进工作者殊荣,并获国务院表彰为我国高等教育事业做出突出贡献而颁发政府特殊津贴。 Li Ying, male, born in December 1931, Yunnan Dali people, Bai nationality. Professor, graduate tutor. Professional background: organic synthesis specialization. 1957 July graduated from the Chemistry Department of Yunnan University; 1957-1974 in Chengdu Institute of Chemical Engineering Department of organic chemistry teaching and research work, concurrently director of organic chemistry laboratory; 1974-1993 in Chengdu University of Science and Technology (now Sichuan University) Leather Engineering served as teaching and research work, he served as director of Leather Engineering, Light Industry Dean, as Leather Institute, director of the National Professional Laboratory, Leather Engineering Research Center, the State Board of Education Science and Technology Committee members of the textile and light industry, Sichuan Province Science and Technology Advisory Group second and third consultants, Sichuan Province “8.5” leather industry development Leading Group. From 1987 to 1988, as a senior visiting scholar, he went to the United States Department of Agriculture Eastern Regional Research Center (ERRC) for scientific research activities. From 1989 to 1993, he was hired as a foreign student reviewer by the International Student Education Commission of the State Education Commission. Retired in 1996, is still employed in Ting Jiang Fine Chemical Co., Ltd., any technical consultant. Professor Li Ying lifelong teaching and research work, the late commitment to leather chemical materials research and development. As an academic and technical leader in leather science, he participated in the 20th, 21st, 23rd International Association of Leather Technologists and Chemists (IULTCS) meeting and organized and presided over the International Leather Science and Technology meeting. Has published 34 scientific papers, of which 6 for foreign publications such as EL, JALCA included or published. Co-edited and published “Syntan”, “leather surfactant” and other monographs. During the period of the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” and “August 5th Five-Year Plan” of the country, as the principal responsible person and the accomplished person of the scientific research projects, a total of 9 project achievements have been passed the appraisal and acceptance. Among them, such as: “New high-grade series leather chemical materials” Including 19 sub-items), and “New Type of Oxidation-Sulfiting Fatliquor” won the second, third and third prizes of ministries, commissions and provincial scientific and technological progress. He was awarded the “Seventh Five-Year” Spark Advanced Worker by the State Science and Technology Commission and awarded by the State Council for his outstanding contribution to higher education in China.
一、水利工程建设中灭鼠工作的意义 消除鼠害是控制鼠传疾病暴发,保护人群健康的主要措施,也是促进国民经济发展,保护电力输送安全的对策之一。据史料记载,乾隆九年,因堤坝
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