Modern electronic communications is a large family of members, of which the oldest, the largest number to count the landline. Nowadays, some countries have 50 to 60 phones for every 100 people on average. Some industrialized developed country phones have spread to every family or even a manpower section. There are a wide variety of phones today, with the addition of new multifunction phones in addition to the usual dial-up calls. If you can hear the sound, but also automatic transcribe, record the small writing telephone; digital security telephone; automatic recording voice telephone; both voice and image of the TV telephone, and so on. With the help of a videocall, senior commanders, just like the battlefield, can observe and direct the modern war directly. However, there are disadvantages with wired phones: it can be easily eavesdropped. Why? The original, when making a landline call, the voice signal of a person is turned into a voice current through the telephone and then sent to the telephone line, which propagates at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second. At this moment, a magnetic field is generated around the metal wire and its intensity fluctuates with the magnitude of the voice current. As long as the voice current passes through the wire, it becomes an electromagnetic wave radiation source, and the space around the circuit