改革仓库管理体制 按经济区域组织生产和流通

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分配订货和供应、消费是物资部门组织流通的起点和终点。除大宗物资由生产企业直达供应用户外,要保证社会再生产的连续性,还有一部分暂时不能直达供应用户,必须经过中转储存。但这一部分物资从进库储存到出库供应,必须通过仓库内的平面运输,借助于仓库设施、机力、人力完成它从生产领域又进入新的生产领域的流通过程。这个流通过程用的时间越短,移动的次数和场所越少,对用户越有利。有计划地组织物资中转储存,对于保证物资流通不间断进行,保证社会生产的需要,以及进一步改善物资经营管理,具有重要的作用。因此仓库的网点布局是否合理,它的中转能力,物资集散速度快慢、规模的大小,经营管理的方法好坏,都直接影响着工农业生产。赵紫阳总理在六届人大一次会议政府工作报告中指出,今后要按照社会化大生产的要求组织生产和流通,发展统一的社会主义市场。按照专业化的原则改革仓库管理体 Distributing order, supply, and consumption are the starting and ending points for the circulation of materials in the material department. Except for the bulk supplies that are supplied directly by production enterprises, it is necessary to ensure continuity of social reproduction, and some of them cannot temporarily reach supply users. They must be stored through transit. However, this part of the material must be transported from the warehouse to the warehouse. It must be transported through the plane within the warehouse. With the help of the warehouse facilities, machine power, and manpower, it can complete the circulation process from the production area to the new production area. The shorter the time the circulation process takes, the fewer the number of movements and locations, and the more favorable to the user. The planned organization of material transfer stocks plays an important role in ensuring the continuous circulation of goods, ensuring the need for social production, and further improving the management of materials and operations. Therefore, whether the layout of the warehouses is reasonable, whether its transfer capacity, the speed of distribution of materials, the size of the scale, or the method of management and management have a direct impact on industrial and agricultural production. Zhao Ziyang pointed out in the report on the work of the government of the First National People’s Congress of the Sixth National People’s Congress that in the future, production and circulation should be organized in accordance with the requirements of large-scale social production, and a unified socialist market should be developed. Reforming warehouse management according to the principle of specialization
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