
来源 :中国政府采购 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lkstudybitcc2008
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1.纳入省本级预算管理的机关、团体、事业单位,使用财政性资金(包括预算内资金、预算外资金以及财政转贷的各类资金)购买、建造和获取目录所列货物、工程和服务时,必须实行政府采购。 2.政府采购目录是各预算单位编制年度政府采购预算和有关单位编制专项计划的依据,也是政府采购监督部门进行监督和检查的重要依据。 3.本目录备注栏中未标明单价或批量价值的,不受金额限制,均应执行政府采购制度。 4.本目录备注栏中规定的单价或批量价值金额以下的,各单位可自行组织采购或者委托采购机构办理。禁止将政府采购项目肢解为自行采购项目。 5.未经财政部门批准,各单位不得采购外国货物、工程和服务。 6.本目录由省财政厅负责解释。 1. Organizations, groups and public institutions incorporated into budget management at the provincial level shall use the financial resources (including budgetary funds, extrabudgetary funds and all types of funds for financial lending) to purchase, construct and acquire the goods, construction and procurement items listed in the catalog Services, must implement government procurement. 2. The government procurement catalog is the basis for the preparation of the annual government procurement budget by the budget units and the preparation of special plans by the relevant units. It is also an important basis for supervision and inspection by the government procurement supervision departments. 3. The catalog column does not indicate the price of the unit price or volume value, not subject to the amount limit, should implement the government procurement system. 4. If the unit price or batch value below the amount specified in the remarks column of this catalog, each unit may organize its own procurement or entrust the purchasing agency to handle it. It is forbidden to dismember government procurement projects as self-proclaimed projects. 5. No unit may purchase foreign goods, works and services without the approval of the financial department. 6. This directory is responsible for the interpretation of the Provincial Department of Finance.
为庆祝建党80周年,南京市地方税务局从自身工作实际出发,开展了“七个一”教育活动。 一、开展一次立足本职岗位、实践“三个代表”为主要内容的“我为党旗增光辉”活动。
2005“双星”杯全国电视街舞大赛展开于北京世界公园。央视 体育节目中心在8月的黄金时段连续3天直播街舞总决赛。据主办 方介绍,前两届的街舞比赛吸引了全国高校及社会的许
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