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黄遵宪(一八四八——一九○五),字公度,广东嘉应州(即现在的梅县)人。他出身于中小官僚的家庭。黄遵宪生活的时代,正是鸦片战争以后,西方资本主义国家把侵略的魔爪伸向东方,中国人民在清王朝的统治下,祸接兵连,灾难深重的时代。尖锐的阶级矛盾和严重的民族危机,逐渐培养了他改革图强,抵御外侮的志向。我们从他年轻时写下的‘慷慨争挥壮士戈,洗兵直欲挽天河’(《羊城感赋》)这类的诗句中,可以看到他很早就是一位关心国家命运,具有远大理想的诗人。黄遵宪在一八七五年中了举人以后出国,在国外十几年中,先后任驻日使馆参赞、美国旧金山总领事、英国使馆参赞、新加坡总领事等外交官,接触了日本明治维新的改良主义政治和西方资本主义制度。他认为 Huang Zunxian (1848 - 1905), the character public, was from Guangdong Jiaying Prefecture (now Meixian County). He came from a family of small and medium bureaucrats. The time when Huang Zunxian lived was precisely the era after the Opium War, when Western capitalist countries took the claws of aggression toward the east, and the Chinese people under the rule of the Qing dynasty, the tyrannical rebels and even the disaster. Sharp class contradictions and serious national crises have gradually cultivated his ambition to resist reforms and resist foreign aggression. From the verses that he wrote in his youth, ’Generously fighting for heroes and heroes, washing soldiers and trying to pull the Tianhe River’ (“Yancheng Senfu”), we can see that he was concerned about the fate of the country and had a great deal. The ideal poet. Huang Zunxian went abroad after lifting the crowd in 1875. During more than 10 years abroad, he successively served as counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Japan, Consul General of the United States in San Francisco, Counsellor of the British Embassy, ​​Consul General of Singapore and other diplomats, and he contacted the reformist politics of the Meiji Restoration in Japan. And western capitalism. he thinks
目的:观察塞来昔布(celecoxib,CXB)对常染色体显性遗传性多囊肾病(autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease,ADPKD)模型Han:SPRD大鼠肾囊肿生长的作用,探讨其可能的作
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第三编 动量、机械能、万有引力 1 动量定理和功能定理的应用 利用牛顿第二定律、动量与冲量的关系、功和机械能的关系是解决动力学问题的三个基本途径,无论用哪一种关系,都