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为了更好地服务于玩具企业,促进我国玩具产业的发展,及时向玩具企业提供玩具配套和相关服务的最新资讯,介绍新产品、新材料、新技术、新服务,提升玩具品质,降低生产成本,提高核心竞争力,打造知名品牌,本刊设立了“配套与服务”栏目。现代工业是由多个环节高度整合的一个集合体,各个部分的优劣和环节之间的衔接紧密程度都必将影响整体。因此上游企业对下游的配套商有着更高的要求。分工的细化,带来的是更高程度的专业化,同时也对各部分衔接提出了更高的要求。这也对服务提出了新的挑战。特别是近段时间中国玩具频遭出口壁垒,国家调整出口政策,出口产品召回制度正在酝酿等多方面的因素,对处于玩具下游的配套商和各种服务提供者的更需要监督和提升。玩具产业关联度大,产业链长,产业集群明显。这其中从原材料到小配件,从产品下线到装箱出口,无一环节不牵涉到整个玩具产业。因此而产生了巨大的产值,业内人士预计我国玩具产业配套及相关服务年产值达1500亿人民币以上。其中可谓是商机无限。为此,我们特在2008年1月11—13日深圳玩具展同期举办华南国际玩具、礼品工业展,并经过上级批准,出版《玩具世界》杂志增刊——《中国玩具产业配套和服务》,全方位服务于玩具和相关配套企业,发挥主流媒体的主流作用! In order to better serve the toy business and promote the development of China’s toy industry, toy enterprises in a timely manner to provide the latest information on toys and related services, introduce new products, new materials, new technologies and new services, improve toy quality and reduce production costs , Improve core competitiveness, create well-known brands, the magazine set up “supporting and services ” section. Modern industry is highly integrated by a number of links a collection of various parts of the advantages and disadvantages and links between the degree of closeness will inevitably affect the overall. Therefore, the upstream business pairs of downstream suppliers have higher requirements. The elaboration of the division of labor brings about a higher degree of specialization and at the same time puts forward higher requirements for the convergence of all parts. This also poses new challenges for service. Especially in recent days, China toy frequent export barriers, the state’s export policy adjustment, the export product recall system is brewing and many other factors, in the toy suppliers and supporting service providers need more supervision and promotion. Toy industry, a large degree of correlation, long industrial chain, industrial clusters obvious. Among them, from raw materials to gadgets, from the product off the assembly line to export, no part does not involve the entire toy industry. As a result, huge output value has been generated. The insiders expect that the annual output value of China’s toy industry support and related services will be over 150 billion RMB. Which can be described as unlimited business opportunities. To this end, we specially held the South China International Toy & Gift Industry Exhibition at the Shenzhen Toy Fair on January 11-13, 2008 and approved the publication of “Toys World Magazine Supplement -” China Toy Industry Supporting and Services " Full service in toys and related supporting enterprises, play the mainstream role of the mainstream media!
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