拍摄地点:浙江杭州拍摄时间:3月27日INFO:SONY A7RII,f/11,25s,ISO200灵隐名寺,历来香火鼎盛,于高僧修佛法胜繁华,历心性脱俗世,另是一层修行之道。于我等俗人,却欲觅清净所在,好拍出点幽远意境。那么自己创造条件喽,天时—周一的正午,非年非节非假;地利—我是今天不午睡的本地人;人和—便是心灵福至。逛到一线天,恰无其他游客,午时的阳光从那一线洞天投射进来,与往常的晴天无殊无异。佛像无声,大师无言,俩俩相对间唯滴水在无尽的轮回里努力穿石,此时此刻,我是一个记录者,用我手里的相机,按下快门,再安静地转身
Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province Date of filming: March 27 INFO: SONY A7RII, f / 11,25s, ISO200 Lingyin Temple, the highest incense, has flourished in the monk’s Dharma practice, Way. For me and other lay people, but want to find a clean place, so take a fantastic mood. Then create their own conditions myself, the sky - noon on Monday, non-non-non-non-non-fake; geography - I am not a nap today, local people; and - is the blessing to the soul. Visiting the first-line days, just no other tourists, the sun shines from the horizon at noon, and the usual sunny day no different. Buddha silent, the master speechless, the relative drip between the two in the endless reincarnation in the hard stone, at this moment, I was a recorder, with my hand camera, press the shutter, and then quietly turned