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我会于1991年开展了《评选首届畜牧兽医科学技术优秀学术论文奖的活动》,共评选出一等奖17篇,二等奖20篇,三等奖70篇,纪念奖36篇,并获省科协《第三届科学技术优秀论文奖》二等奖2名,三等奖3名。这对提高我会学术活动质量,充分调动广大科学技术工作者的积极性,更好地为四化建设服务,具有巨大的促进作用。在深入贯彻党的十四大精神鼓舞下,为了加速我省畜牧兽医科学技术的发展,“科技兴鲁”,更好的为经济建设服务,特开展《评选第二届畜牧兽医科学技术优秀论文奖活动》。 In 1991, I will carry out the activity of “selecting the first excellent academic thesis award of animal husbandry and veterinary science and technology”, of which 17 first prizes, 20 second prizes, 70 third prizes and 36 memorial prizes were awarded. Provincial Association for science and technology, “the third science and Technology Outstanding Paper Award” two prize two, three third prize. This will greatly enhance the quality of academic activities, mobilize the enthusiasm of scientists and technicians and serve the four modernizations better. Inspired by the thorough implementation of the spirit of the 14th CPC Congress, in order to speed up the development of science and technology of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine in our province, “promote the development of science and technology” and better serve the economic construction, we should carry out the task of “selecting the second excellent paper of science and technology of animal husbandry and veterinary science Award activities. ”
JF 12-1型火焰光度计由浙江省新安江分析仪器厂(原建德星火仪表厂)研制成功,1977年10月举行了新产品鉴定会。在鉴定会期间通过对新产品样机的测试和对技术资料的审查,以及上
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1 病例报告患者 ,女性 ,2 2岁 ,未婚。因上腹部肿块逐渐增大致行动不便 4个月于 1994年 3月 1日入院。既往无外伤、腹痛、发热、黄疸以及疫水接触史 ,也无呕吐或体重减轻等