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火灾调查处理是各级消防监督部门的重要职能,也是各级消防监督人员经常遇到的比较棘手的问题.从常德的情况来看,一旦火灾发生,往往会遇到以下三个难于解决的问题:一是火灾调查难.从客观上来讲,火灾现场容易受物质燃烧、房屋倒塌、破拆、水渍以及天气变化等因素的影响而遭到严重破坏,特别是在火灾现场保护不及时的情况下,其破坏程度就更大.这对确定起火点,寻找引火物、分析认定火灾原因都十分不利,火灾调查的难度也就可想而知了.从主观上来看,有相当一部分人虽长期从事消防工作,却没有机会参加这种专业培训,有的甚至连火场勘察包也不会使用,加之有的地方火灾发生频繁,防监督部门人手不够,往往一起火灾还未查清,另起火灾又发生了,火调人员疲于奔忙,有些原因只好不了了之. Fire investigation and treatment is an important function of fire supervision departments at all levels, but also the fire control supervisors at all levels are often encountered more difficult issues.From Changde situation, in the event of a fire, often encounter the following three difficult to solve the problem : First, the fire investigation is difficult.From the objective point of view, the fire scene is vulnerable to material damage, house collapse, demolition, waterlogging and weather changes and other factors have been severely damaged, especially in the case of fire protection is not timely Under the destruction of the greater extent.This is to determine the starting point, looking for fire, analysis of the causes of the fire are very unfavorable, the fire investigation difficult to imagine.A subjective point of view, a considerable number of people although long-term Engaged in fire prevention work, but did not have the opportunity to participate in such professional training, and some even fire investigation package will not be used, in addition to frequent fires in some places, inadequate manpower supervision and prevention departments, often with a fire has not yet identified, another fire It happened again, firefighters tired, some reasons had no alternative.
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