
来源 :四川医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoyaozhu
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患儿,男,3岁。因腹痛、腹胀伴呕吐6天,肛门停止排便排气3天入院。查体:脱水貌,腹部膨隆,右下腹可及一约10cm×10cm大小的包块,质中,表面光滑,边界清楚,可活动,肠鸣音亢进。白细胞13.4×10~9/L。腹部平片示;小肠内有液气面,在全麻下行剖腹探查术,术中发现整个小肠积气积液,肠管扩张,回盲部有一约15cm×10cm×10cm大小的囊性包块,质中,囊壁较厚,囊壁上可见结肠带,囊肿压迫该处肠管引起梗阻,挤压近端肠腔内容物难以通过,囊肿与肠壁紧密相连,难以剥离,即行回盲部切除,回肠结肠吻合术。术后切开标本,内容物为黄色透亮的液体。囊腔与肠腔不相通,囊肿位于肠壁肌层, Children, male, 3 years old. Due to abdominal pain, abdominal distension with vomiting 6 days, anal defecation exhaust 3 days admitted. Physical examination: dehydration appearance, bulging abdomen, the right lower quadrant can reach a mass of about 10cm × 10cm mass, the surface smooth, clear boundary, activity, bowel sounds hyperthyroidism. White blood cells 13.4 × 10 ~ 9 / L. Abdominal plain film showed; small intestine with liquid gas surface, undergoing laparotomy under general anesthesia, surgery found the entire intestine gas accumulating fluid, intestinal dilatation, ileocecal have a size of about 15cm × 10cm × 10cm cystic mass, In the mass, the wall of the capsule is thick, the colon wall can be seen on the cyst wall, the cyst oppresses the intestine to cause obstruction, the extrusion of the proximal intestinal lumen is difficult to pass through, the cyst is closely connected to the intestinal wall and is hard to peel off, Ileum colon anastomosis. After incision specimens, the contents of the yellow translucent liquid. Not the same lumen and intestine, cyst located in the intestinal wall muscle,
<正> 不忏悔的理由笔者近年来一直旁观围绕"忏悔"的讨论,渐渐有了些想法,谈出来供大家批评。我同意,我们民族应该增加忏悔的意识。为什么?因为在几乎连绵半个世纪的政治运动
陕西省社科联、西北大学经济管理学院、陕西日报社和陕西省区域经济研究会于 2 0 0 2年 6月 1 1日在西北大学经济管理学院联合举办了“西部大开发和中国加入 WTO陕西应对之策
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高考前一个月,与其在网上看“三长一短选最短,三短一长选最长,长长短短就选B,参差不齐就选C”“不上清华又何妨?脚下有路去蓝翔!即使北大不能进,男儿成才有虎振。不上复旦不伤心,新东方里笑切墩”的段子中寻找秘决和安慰,不如听听过来人的真实感受。  @zzy阿狸#高考前的一个月#我忽然没有了坚持的勇气,不断地怀疑努力的意义是什么。我记得有一堂课物理课,我请病假一个人跑上楼顶哭了很久。幸运的是我坚持了下来
Tiguan的名字,是民主选举出来的,透过35万份杂志和网站选票,公众挑选Tiguan作为途锐亲生胞弟的大名,那是Tiger+Leguan,也即虎与大蜥蜴的结合。 Tiguan’s name is democrati