Treasure In The Poles

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  Hundreds Of Million Years’
  Frozen Treasure
  On July 23,2008,USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) published an evaluation report, which said the Arctic has crude oil 900 billion barrels, and the reserves of natural gas is more than 47 trillion cubic meters which is 13% of the world’s undiscovered oil reserves and 30% of untapped natural gas reserves.
  The coal hidden reserves on the Arctic is more than half of the coal storage, Siberia and Alaska both have huge coal field, not only having large reserves, but also the coal quality is good.
  Human who suffered from shortage of resources found the world’s precious treasure under the historic desolated pole glaciers. It is reported that only a diamond in the Arctic from Canada is worth 1/10 of the total global production.
  Strange Animals
  And Plant Fossils
  According to Xinhuanet report, in 2006, a scientific expedition from Norge Oslo Natural History Museum found a giant fossil “sea monster” on The Svalbard archipelago in the Arctic Circle. This monster is 15 meters long and about 45 tons weight, the biting ability is 10 times better than sharks and crocodiles, also 4 times taller than tyrannosaurus. Researchers judged after computer recovery, the fossil is pliosaurus from Jurassic period who is the host of prehistoric deep sea, ferocious and he can bite cars easily. From 2006 to 2007,they also discovered plesiosaurs fossil from Ross Island in the Arctic.
  Moving Continents
  The Earth has nearly 4.6 billion years history and changes incessantly.
  Let’s imagine if the plate activities were stopped hundreds of million years ago, then mountains will be no longer rise. In the last ten million years under wind and rain, plateau has been reduced gradually, land has become as flat as the sea level, finally the whole world would be submerged by the ruthless sea. So the Earth without continents movements is unthinkable.
  In the early carboniferous, about 360 million years ago, there were two ancient continents on the Earth: North one is Laurasia, south one is Gondwana.
  Afterwards, Gondwana broke-up, different plates went to different area, forming Africa, Australia, South America, Antarctica, Indian subcontinent and Arabian peninsula. The seven continents and five oceans geological geography confirmed the shape 65 million years ago, and the Earth’s history has entered into a new generation.
  The Antarctic Plate Is
  Going To South America   In the process of Chinese Antarctic inspection area surveying and mapping program, Chinese researchers supervised the Antarctic plate motion and found and interesting phenomenon: the Antarctic plate is moving direct to South America. By GPS satellite tracking, it is found that Great Wall Station annual average movement distance is 1.85cm, Zhongshan Station is 0.87cm. But on the Antarctica, the longest movement distance is Brazil Feilazi station which moves 2.27cm every year.
  Why is the moving speed of GPS stations different in the process of going to South America? From the geological structure of the Antarctic Pole, East Antarctica has a stable Precambrian geology, but West Antarctica’s geology is very complicated, it has submarine volcanic activities and riftogenesis. In the Antarctic peninsula, geological activities are more intense. It reveals the motion of the plates around Antarctica, which is the Pacific plate moves to northwest, the Nazca plate moves to northeast, the African plate moves to northeast, the Australia plate moves the opposite to the Antarctica plate.
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