Detecting feature interactions in Web services with model checking techniques

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pan2009pan
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As a platform-independent software system,a Web service is designed to offer interoperability among diverse and heterogeneous applications.With the introduction of service composition in the Web service creation,various message interactions among the atomic services result in a problem resembling the feature interaction problem in the telecommunication area.This article defines the problem as feature interaction in Web services and proposes a model checking-based detection method.In the method,the Web service description is translated to the Promela language-the input language of the model checker simple promela interpreter(SPIN),and the specific properties,expressed as linear temporal logic (LTL) formulas,are formulated according to our classifi-cation of feature interaction.Then,SPIN is used to check these specific properties to detect the feature interaction in Web services. As a platform-independent software system, a web service is designed to offer interoperability among diverse and heterogeneous applications. Since the introduction of service composition in the web service creation, various message interactions among the atomic services result in a problem resembling the feature interaction problem in the telecommunication area. This article defines the problem as feature interaction in Web services and proposes a model checking-based detection method. In the method, the Web service description is translated to Promela language-the input language of the model checker simple promela interpreter (SPIN), and the specific properties, expressed as linear temporal logic (LTL) formulas, are formulated according to our classifi cation of feature interaction. Chen, SPIN is used to check the specific properties to detect the feature interaction in Web services .
摘 要: 随着我国教育体制的不断完善,为了满足市场需求,应用型人才的培养是当下教育工作的首要任务。文章主要以Excel作为教学案例,谈论中职计算机学生创新能力的培养,分别从拓宽教学内容;运用任务驱动,促使学生动脑;减轻负担,提高效率三方面做了阐述。  关键词: 中职教育 计算机教学 创新能力 培养途径  随着我国市场经济的改革,经济的发展迫切需要一批具有创新能力的人才,同时迫切需要一批具有丰富理论