上海工具厂有限公司 一流的刀具制造企业

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上海工具厂有限公司(原上海工具厂)建立于一九四九年,是国内生产金属切削刀具的著名专业骨干企业,国家机床工具协会工具分会副理事长企业。公司主要产品有数控孔加工刀具、螺纹刀具、超硬刀具、硬质合金刀具、涂层刀具、拉削刀具、齿轮刀具、铣铰刀具、数控刀柄及量具等十大类。上☆工牌切削刀具产品质量精良,国内畅销,远销海外六十多个国 Founded in 1949, Shanghai Tool Factory Co., Ltd. (formerly Shanghai Tool Factory) is a famous professional backbone enterprise producing metal cutting tools in China and a vice chairman of the National Machine Tool Association. Our main products are CNC hole machining tools, thread cutting tools, superhard tools, carbide cutting tools, coated cutting tools, broaching tools, gear cutting tools, milling reamer, CNC shank and measuring tools, such as the top ten categories. On the ☆ brand cutting tool product quality, domestic best-selling, sold more than 60 countries overseas
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