1987年在山东 省植保总站的指导 下,建立了省级脱毒 苹果母树园及品种示 范围。示范园3hm2 (公顷),分别设在山 东省寿光县园艺场及 其附近的东埠乡姜家 村,土壤粘重,有机 质含量1%左右,PH 值7.7,定植规格3m × 4m,有较好的水浇 条件。示范园周围 1km(公里)内无果 园。现将脱毒?
In 1987 under the guidance of the Shandong Provincial Plant Protection Terminus, the establishment of a provincial detoxification apple tree garden and species range. Demonstration Park 3hm2 (hectare), respectively, located in Shouguang County, Shandong Province gardening field and its nearby Dongbu Township Jiang Village, soil sticky, organic matter content of about 1%, PH value of 7.7, planting specifications 3m × 4m, better Watering conditions. Demonstration Park around 1km (km) no orchards. Now detoxification?