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自古商场如战场,胜者为王,败者寇。但中国还有句古话是,没有永远的长胜将军。在短短不到20年时间内,戴尔成为全球 IT 界的强者,享受了数之不尽的鲜花和光环。但随着被掩藏在鲜花和光环背后的事实逐渐暴露在阳光之下,戴尔正走下神坛。在最推崇“以人为本”的科技界,戴尔逆势而为,奉行绝时的“以销售额为本”的强势掠夺性文化。无论戴尔愿不愿意,现实将迫使戴尔回归基本面,即可持续的成功需要充满生命力的企业文化来支撑。同时,戴尔强势奉行的是“让中国融入戴尔”,而不是“戴尔融入中国”,这将使戴尔付出比微软更惨重而长久的代价——微软为自己的傲慢付出了10年。《IT 时代周刊》在此次戴尔遭遇危机时以更理性的思辩看待“跨国公司本土化”这个虽然谈了很久,但一切似乎又才刚刚开始的课题。这不仅有助于跨国公司更好地适应中国,而且有助于中国企业在走向国际化时,能具备更深度而敏捷的自省意识。课题已经摆在面前,《IT 时代周刊》希望为这个课题的研究开个好头! Archaic shopping malls such as the battlefield, the winner is king, loser Kou. However, there is an old saying in China that there is no eternal victory over Changsheng. In just less than 20 years, Dell has become the world’s strong IT community, enjoy the endless flowers and aura. But as the truth behind the flowers and the halo was gradually exposed to the sun, Dell was walking down the altar. In the most respected “people-oriented” science and technology sector, Dell against the trend to pursue the absolute “sales-oriented” predatory culture. Regardless of Dell’s willingness to do so, the reality will force Dell to return to fundamentals where sustainable success requires a vibrant corporate culture. At the same time, Dell is strongly committed to “let China into Dell,” rather than “Dell into China,” which will make Dell pay even worse than Microsoft’s long-term cost - Microsoft for their arrogance paid 10 years. IT Times saw the long, but seemingly nascent topic of “localization of multinationals” more rationally when Dell was in crisis. This not only helps multinational corporations to better adapt to China, but also helps Chinese enterprises to have a deeper and quicker sense of introspection as they move towards internationalization. The subject has been placed in front of, “IT Times” hope for the study of this topic a good start!
在语文学科中,古诗占有一定的比例,古诗不仅深含着中华民族优秀的传统文化,还有潜移默化的美育功能。读了这些诗歌,可以拓展视野,陶冶情操;老师教好这些古诗,能发展学 In th
What is middle school like? Has your child asked that question to you? The middle school years are exciting ones, as your child grows and develops into a teenager. But middle school is also a time of