Characteristics and efficiency of a new vibrating screen with a swing trace

来源 :Particuology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ttjjyy88
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A new vibration type and motion characteristics were proposed according to the principle of manual sieving.A mechanical model of the new motion was established and the characteristics of the new vibrating screen were analyzed to establish its equation of motion by using the vibration theory,to include as technological parameters,amplitude,movement velocity,and throwing index through theoretical calculation.The efficiency of particle screening was studied at different values of frequency and swing declination angle.The discrete element method(DEM) was used to simulate the screening with the swing trace.The functional relationship between screening efficiency and the parameters was fitted with the least square method.The results show that high frequency and large swing angle are suitable for small particles,while small values are suitable for particles close to the aperture size.Compared to the linear vibration trace,both screening efficiency and processing capacity were effectively improved. A new vibration type and motion characteristics were proposed according to the principle of manual sieving. A mechanical model of the new motion was established and the characteristics of the new vibrating screen were analyzed to establish its equation of motion by using the vibration theory, to include as technological parameters, amplitude, movement velocity, and throwing index through theoretical calculation. The efficiency of particle screening was studied at different values ​​of frequency and swing declination angle. The discrete element method (DEM) was used to simulate the screening with the swing trace The functional relationship between screening efficiency and the parameters was fitted with the least square method. The results show that high frequency and large swing angle are suitable for small particles, while small values ​​are suitable for particles close to the aperture size. Compared to the linear vibration trace, both screening efficiency and processing capacity were effectively impr oved
手足口病(Hand,foot and mouth disease,HFMD)是由肠道病毒引起的发热出疹急性传染病,为全球性疾病,在世界大部分国家和地区可见报道,一年四季均可发病。婴幼儿为易感人群,尤以学龄前儿童较为常见,可造成暴发流行。主要以口腔黏膜、手、足等多部位疱疹为其典型的临床表现,少数重症患儿可并发脑炎、脑脊髓炎、神经源性肺水肿、心肌炎、弛缓性麻痹和心脏衰竭等[1-3]。
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