后“别墅年”调查:千万级豪墅异军突起 京城别墅呈两极分化

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2006年,北京共售出了100套左右的千万级别墅。而在2005年,这个数据还停留在50套左右。截止到2007年5月,虽然没有官方的准确数据表明千万级别墅的销售套数,但众多千万级别墅开发商的笑容已然昭示了自己的大丰收。与此同时,以前被众多开发商认为不是别墅主流的经济型别墅也开始逐渐被业内人所认可。2006年,在北京新开发的别墅项目中,中低档别墅的比例超过了高档别墅,达到了60%,每套250万元左右的经济型别墅开始占据别墅市场的半壁江山:在其他地方并不被特别看好的经济型别墅,似乎在北京已经风生水起。业内人士分析认为,北京的别墅开发重点呈现出向高低两端倾斜的趋势。……2006年的别墅市场经过了诸如“国六条”和“别墅审批用地的再次叫停”等各种政策的洗礼后,别墅这种高端的物业形态受到了社会各界的关注,有不少媒体更是用“别墅元年”来形容风云变幻的2006年。当2007“后别墅元年”到来时,众多别墅开发商审时度势,在经营思路和开发策略上有了重大转变。以前那种仅仅“服务于金字塔尖”的思维方式逐渐转化为“为金字塔尖人群服务同时也为更多社会中坚阶层提供更多的好产品”。体现在别墅形态上,便是“千万级的别墅在别墅成熟区内兴起,而更多的经济型别墅在京城四面开花”。简单说就是:别墅产品步入了两级分化阶段。 In 2006, Beijing sold a total of about 100 sets of ten million villas. And in 2005, this data still stays in about 50 sets. As of May 2007, although there is no official accurate data indicating the number of sales of ten million villas, but the tens of millions of villa developers smile already shows its own bumper harvest. At the same time, many developers previously thought it was not villa mainstream mainstream economy villa began to gradually be recognized by the industry. In 2006, in the newly developed villa project in Beijing, middle and low-grade villas exceeded the proportion of high-end villas, reaching 60%, each of about 2.5 million yuan of affordable villas began to occupy half of the villa market: not elsewhere Particularly optimistic about the economy villa, it seems that in Beijing already blustery. Analysis of the industry believes that the focus of the development of villas in Beijing showed a tilt to both ends of the trend. After the baptism of all kinds of policies such as “Country 6” and “Villa Approval Land”, the high-end property form of the villa has drawn the attention of all walks of life. There are many media is to use “Villa first year ” to describe the ever-changing 2006. When the 2007 “villa first year ” arrived, many villa developers to assess the situation, in business ideas and development strategy has made a significant change. The old way of thinking of “serving the pyramid” gradually translates into “serving the pyramid spiers and providing more good products for more social middle class.” Reflected in the form of the villa, it is “Ten million villas rise in the mature area of ​​the villa, and more economical villas in the capital flowering”. To put it simply: villa products into two stages of differentiation.
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