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紫阳位于陕西省南部,与四川毗邻,全境多山,古有“岩邑”之称。境内山峦重重且常年葱绿,属北亚热带湿润气候,年平均降雨量1127.8毫米,自然资源十分丰富。虽为山区,但历有“山大人不稀”之说,缘于湍流不尽的汉江哺有了这里的万物和生灵,若泛舟于江上,见两岸金桔累累,茶茗葳葳。唐时黄巢曾驻兵于此,因有擂鼓台风景区,景区分东西南北区,其间飞泉潭池俯仰皆是,原始林木凌壁而立,奇峰怪石浮现于云浪中若蓬莱仙岛,现存先民山寨遗址28处,历代景胜题记49处,全区面积约23平方公里,游人罕至,使这边陲地区别有一番神奇的色彩。商周时紫阳分属庸、巴国,战国时隶从楚国,自唐时属金州辖地,因南派道教始祖张平叔所号紫阳得名。人口多为鄂、川、湘、皖,赣、豫、闽、粤等地移民的后裔。由于清初战事较少,清廷实行人口增殖和移垦政策,大批南方移民因不堪忍受原地捐赋重负和无地可耕的境遇,纷纷携家迁徙,至今仍有“湖广填陕西”的传说。流民所到之处百业俱兴,“手指为界,插桩为业”。 由于历史原因和地理条件的相对封闭,原始积累所形成酌文化积淀,在紫阳的社会结构中被较完整地保存下来,它既有巴楚文化特色,又有汉江文化的渊源,同时“五方杂处,土著无多”,且民俗丰富,如当地百姓喜咏唱,民歌和戏剧十分盛行,唱本多源于南 Ziyang is located in the south of Shaanxi Province, adjacent to Sichuan, and is full of mountains. It is known as the “Rock Rock” in ancient times. The territory is full of mountains and greenery all year round. It is a humid subtropical climate in north China. The average annual rainfall is 1127.8 mm, and the natural resources are very abundant. Although it is a mountainous region, it is said that the “mountain people are not thin” is said to be due to the endless stream of the Han River that feeds all things and creatures here. If you go boating on the river, you will see numerous kumquats on both sides. During the Tang Dynasty, Huang Chaocun had stationed here. Because of the scenic area of ​​the Guqintai area, the scenic spots are divided into the east, west and south areas. During this period, the Feiquantan Pond is pitched. The original forest stands against the wall and the strange peaks and rocks emerge in Yunlang in Penglai Xiandao. There were 28 ancient ancestral sites and 49 titles of Jingsheng titles. The total area was about 23 square kilometers, which was rarely visited by tourists. This made it possible to distinguish between magical colors. During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, Ziyang was divided into Yongzhou and Pakistan, and from the Chu Kingdom in the Warring States period, it belonged to the state of Jinzhou. The name of Ziyang, the first ancestor of Taoism, was named after Ziyang. The population is mostly descended from immigrants from Hubei, Sichuan, Hunan, Guizhou, Guizhou, Henan, Guizhou, and Guangdong. Due to the small number of wars in the early Qing Dynasty, the Qing government adopted the policy of population proliferation and transfer. A large number of southern immigrants have been carrying their families to migrate due to unbearable burdens of in-situ contributions and landlessness, and there is still “Huguang-filling Shaanxi”. legend. The flow of people everywhere is full of industry, “finger is the industry, and the instrumentation is the industry”. Due to the relative closure of historical reasons and geographical conditions, the accumulation of raw materials formed by primitive accumulation was completely preserved in the social structure of Ziyang. It has both the Bachu cultural characteristics and the origins of Hanjiang culture. There are not many indigenous places and there are many indigenous peoples, and there are rich folk customs, such as the local people singing and singing, folk songs and dramas are very popular, and the singing books are mostly from the south.
A simultaneous increase of both stiffness and extensibility of poly(ethylene glycol-co-cyclohexane-1,4-dimethanol terephthalate)(PETG)/polycarbonate(PC) blends
按“不等温降”计算法的思路对高层建筑单双管系统进行了变通处理,给出了水力计算中整根立管的折算阻力系数,以便进行单双管混合式系统的水力计算。 According to the idea of