党 的新闻工作是党的喉舌 ,这种新闻工作的属性要求我们每个新闻工作者必须自觉与党的最高决策机构保持高度的一致性。当前改革开放的形势下 ,各种非马克思主义思潮的涌入 ,少数新闻工作者背弃喉舌职责、与党和人民离心离德、自行其事的错误时有发生。这种非喉舌化的倾向将给党
The party’s news work is the mouthpiece of the party. The nature of such journalism requires that each of our journalists must consciously maintain a high degree of congruence with the party’s supreme decision-making body. Under the current situation of reform and opening up, the influx of various non-Marxist trends of thought, the frequent mistakes made by a small number of journalists from their oral responsibilities and the centrifugal separation of their minds from the party and the people on their own have taken place. This non-masturbation tendency will give the party