
来源 :国际贸易问题 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:djkangzi
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一段时间以来,我们在接受申请单位的报验时多次发现这样一种现象:一些出口单位,包括外贸专业进出口公司、工贸、农贸、技贸公司、三资企业,具有进出口权的生产企业等,所申报的出口货物的单价和国际市场流行价格相比往往偏低,有些甚至低得离谱。这样,整批货物的商品总值就相当少了。 针对这种谎报商品总值的情况,商检系统有关官员开始了大量的调查研究工作。诸如:了解和收集国际市场上若干商品的价格资料;做好价格分析;核定某些商品的“参考价”;了解出口单位低报商品总值的原因以及向海关了解有关的信息。 For a period of time, we have repeatedly found such a phenomenon when accepting the application of the application unit: Some export units, including foreign trade professional import and export companies, industry and trade, agricultural trade, technology and trade companies, and foreign-funded enterprises, have import and export rights. As for production enterprises, the unit price of exported goods declared is often low compared with the prevailing price in the international market, and some are even low. In this way, the total value of goods for the entire shipment is quite small. In view of this false indication of the total value of goods, the officials of the commodity inspection system started a large number of investigations and research work. Such as: to understand and collect price information on several commodities on the international market; to do a good price analysis; to verify the “reference price” for certain commodities; to understand the reasons for the exporters to understate the total value of goods; and to get information about the customs.
When the Ameri-cans were getting readytosend theirfirstmen tothemoon,an old Irish-man was watching themon television in the barofahotel.The Englishm an wasverys
厦门经济特区贸易有限公司(简称“特贸”,英文缩写“TM”)1984年1月成立。1987年成为厦门市首批获国家经贸部批准享有省内外进出口经营权的公司。 公司成立时,仅有两间简易
一、学术探讨二、GATT研讨三、业务研究四、经法研究五、国际金融大 类 目 录六、地区调研七、国际商务知识讲座八、外销园地九、统计资料十、学术动态一、学术探讨论加快我