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今年家电在去年平稳发展的基础上,一季度主要家电的生产、出口和消费明显升温,家电产销两旺,开局良好,并为我国蜂窝纸板行业赢来了新的发展机遇。据权威部门最新统计结果表明,主要家电产品生产呈快速增长态势,一季度与上年同期相比产量增长最快的是房间空调器,增长56.6%。其他增长较快的产品是:组合音响增长40.2%,录像机增长47.6%,电冰箱增长30.7%,彩色电视机增长23%,家用洗衣机增长17.8%,电淋浴器增长33.4%,微波炉增长38.4%,排油烟机增长10.8%,电饭锅增长33.6%,吸尘器增长32.7%。出口对工业增长的带动作用继续增强,一季度电子信息产业产品出口总额为257.1亿美元,同比增长44.4%,占全国外贸出口总额的29.8%,其中彩色电视机出口367.5万台,同比增长13.6%,打印机出口810.8万台,同比增长79.6%,激光视盘放像机出口2024.7万台,同比增长45.9%。电子产品源源不断漂洋过海,走向世界,其产品包装功不可没。 This year, based on the steady development of home appliances last year, the production, export, and consumption of major home appliances increased significantly in the first quarter. The production and sales of home appliances both prospered and started well. It also won new development opportunities for China’s honeycomb paperboard industry. According to the latest statistical results of the authoritative department, the production of major home appliance products showed rapid growth. The fastest increase in output in the first quarter compared with the same period of the previous year was room air conditioners, an increase of 56.6%. Other fast-growing products were: 40.2% growth in component audio, 47.6% growth in video recorders, 30.7% growth in refrigerators, 23% growth in color TVs, 17.8% growth in household washing machines, 33.4% growth in electric showers, and 38.4% growth in microwave ovens. Range hoods increased by 10.8%, rice cookers increased by 33.6%, and vacuum cleaners increased by 32.7%. Exports continued to increase the driving force for industrial growth. In the first quarter, the total export of electronic information industry products was 25.71 billion U.S. dollars, a year-on-year increase of 44.4%, accounting for 29.8% of the country’s total foreign trade exports, of which color television sets exported 3.675 million units, an increase of 13.6% year-on-year. The number of printers exported was 8.180 million units, an increase of 79.6% year-on-year, and the laser disc player exported 20.247 million units, an increase of 45.9% year-on-year. Electronic products have continuously drifted across the ocean to the world and their product packaging has contributed.
日 前,新希望(000876)与美 头乳品企业,囊括了遍布全国的地方性 用三至五年的时间,通过与强势乳业企        国全球500强企业国际纸业
中药材基地实施GAP(规范化种植)是中药标准化、现代化、国际化所必需的最基本的条件,也是制药企业实现GMP(标准化生产) The implementation of GAP (standardized planting
我是一名心理医生。  心理医生的工作,通俗点说就是聆听病人的胡言乱语。  所以,日积月累,我自创了一套标准的职业模式——看上去在认真倾听,时不时还能附和几句,其实私底下却在盘算着自己的事情。  可是眼前的这个病人,却让我不得不把注意力放到他身上——因为他正在给我讲一个有关牙仙的故事。  病人叫王凯,是个IT程序员,或许是太敬业的缘故吧,超级丰富的想象力把他自己活活憋成了妄想症患者。  王凯是一年前
市场表现 综合盈利预测(2004):0.07元 西这两个多煤少水省份的火电投资将直日期:2004-11-09 综合评级:观望 接推动电站空冷市场