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目前国内装璜材料市场所售各种高档豪华装饰桌面、茶几面等等,多用大理石纸、花纹纸、图案纸作底层铺面,时长容易脱层,防水性差。最新推出的隐形幻彩装饰板,采用高分子材料,经科学配制,以独特的高新工艺,在自制板或水泥、三合、纤维、刨花板上直接罩面生产。画面自然秀丽,图案昼夜变幻,白天看是绚丽多彩的画面,夜间变成云雾、山川……给人一种迷人梦幻般的享受。装饰过的房间,夜间如同置身于露天山间旷野河畔,令人心旷神怡,如醉如痴……产品特点:1、坚硬耐磨、阻燃、耐酸碱腐蚀、抗老化、防水性强、 At present, the domestic decoration materials market sells a variety of high-end luxury decorative tabletops, coffee table surfaces, etc., and uses marble paper, pattern paper, and pattern paper as the bottom paving, and is prone to delamination for a long time and has poor water resistance. The newly introduced stealth Symphony decorative plate, using polymer materials, has been scientifically formulated and manufactured with a unique high-tech process that can be directly overlaid on self-made plates or cement, triads, fiber, and particle board. The picture is naturally beautiful, the pattern changes day and night, the daytime is a colorful picture, and it turns into clouds, mountains and rivers at night...giving people a fascinating dreamlike enjoyment. The decorated room is like being in the open air between the wild mountains in the night. It is very enchanting.... Features: 1. Hard and wear-resisting, flame-retardant, acid and alkali resistant, anti-aging, waterproof,
据越南《投资报》报道 ,越南2000年投入市场的摩托车有62.4%来自中国。据越南有关部门统计 ,2000年越南国内各企业生产或组装投入市场的摩托车共计达到167 .40万辆 ,其中29.47万辆是外国投资企业
缅甸内政部日前发布内政部2001年第一号令 ,禁止非法进口、销售和使用泰国生产的各种商标的味精和各种软饮料 ,称这些商品是走私者经泰缅边界陆路及海上走私进入缅甸的。一号令称
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据卫生部门的统计,我国居民平均每人看一次病要花79元,住院要花2891元。在这两项费用中,药费分别占了60%和47%。这说明,药品价格是决定医疗费用的最主要因素。 这几年,国家在药
日本经济已经输红了眼,日本政府对从中国进口商品的打压是无理的,而中国有关方面的反应不力更令人不解 The Japanese economy has already lost its eyes. The Japanese gov
各行政公署,各市、县人民政府,省政府各直属单位:经省政府同意,现将《第十二届中国哈尔滨经济贸易洽谈会总体工作方案》印发给你们,请认真贯彻落实。2000年12月13日 Each a