
来源 :时代教育(先锋国家历史) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaosheng2099
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中华民族文化的魅力在于多元化,有着很多源头。山东属于齐鲁文化,虽然出了孔子孟子,但并不能代表中华文化上下五千年。相比而言,更久远的是夏、商、周的文化,集中于我国山西、河南、陕西等地,还有河北的燕赵文化、四川的巴蜀文化、云南的滇文化、长江的荆楚文化、以及岭南文化、吴越文化等等,丰富多彩,很难说用单独的哪一个来代表博大精深的中华文化。中华文化标志城可能会起到弘扬中华文化的作用,但这仅是一个短期的效益,文化研究才是基 The charm of Chinese culture lies in diversity and has many sources. Shandong belongs to the Qilu culture. Although Confucius and Mencius emerged, it does not represent the Chinese culture for 5,000 years. In comparison, the more distant are the culture of Xia, Shang and Zhou, concentrated in our country Shanxi, Henan, Shaanxi and other places, as well as Hebei Yanzhao culture, Sichuan Bashu culture, Yunnan Dian culture, the Yangtze River Jingchu Culture, and Lingnan culture, Wu Yue culture, etc., rich and colorful, it is hard to say which one alone to represent the profound Chinese culture. Chinese cultural symbol city may play a role in promoting Chinese culture, but this is only a short-term benefits, cultural research is based
表面看来,这个乘凉者似乎也和那个渔夫一样享受到了生活。可是我们不要忘记,乘凉者享受的只是这一时之快,他过完这几天舒服日子就要饿肚子了。 On the face of it, this coo
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望见    凌乱的树枝下  无名的野花  在缓缓开放  身后朱红的火苗  灰烬四处飞扬    悲伤    躲在孤独的角落  没人安慰心灵  自己对自己微笑  然后  觉得已经坚强  突然长大    静谧    人群在大街  哗然相拥  我在咖啡屋里  看见静谧  时钟的声音  在头顶  悠然飘荡    窗户    蜗牛慢慢爬过  留下浅浅的痕迹  鸟儿的翅膀  飞来飞去  金灿灿的果实  塞满画面
编者推荐:起笔用“长相”——实写;收笔用“自信”——虚化;中间写“笑”的矛盾及其解决过程。此文还需要升格:卒章的“自信”宜用情节出之,以同全文记事保持一致。 Editor
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