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我们从1966年~1989年间诊治原发性小肠系膜平滑肌肉瘤3例,报告如下。例1,男,57岁,因中上腹部不适月余,摔倒后阵发性腹痛、呕吐胃肠液及咖啡色液一天于1978年10月8日入院。检查:T38.1℃,中上腹部膨隆,可扪及1拳头大包块,略活动,有压痛及反跳痛,肠鸣音亢进。腹部透视提示中腹部占位性病变,肠梗阻。行剖腹探查术发现空肠下段系膜肿瘤约11.5×13×14.6cm,偏于脊柱左侧,牵拉空肠使其下段不全扭转,扭转肠段水肿,有出血点及坏 We diagnosed and treated 3 cases of primary small mesenteric leiomyosarcoma between 1966 and 1989. The report is as follows. Example 1, male, 57 years old, was admitted to hospital on October 8th, 1978, because of discomfort in the mid-upper abdomen for more than a month. After falling down, paroxysmal abdominal pain, vomiting, gastrointestinal fluid, and brown fluid were admitted on October 8, 1978. Check: T38.1 °C, bulging in the middle and upper abdomen, palpable and fist mass, slight activity, tenderness and rebound tenderness, bowel sounds hyperthyroidism. Abdominal fluoroscopy hinted at mid-abdominal space-occupying lesions and intestinal obstruction. The exploratory laparotomy found that the lower jejunum mesenteric tumor was approximately 11.5×13×14.6 cm, biased to the left side of the spine, pulling the jejunum to incompletely reverse the lower segment, and reversed the bowel edema, with bleeding points and bad.
孩子的房间原来只有14个平方左右的面积,是和阳台相连的。在装修的时候,我们为了增加房间的面积和采光,将与阳台的隔墙打通,增加了 The child’s room originally only 14 s
Give’s rapid development is attributable to many factors.Over a long period,Gree has persistently seized the lending position of standards through sustained im
每到阳光明媚的时节,骑着自行车遛狗是件轻松、愉快的事情,既能锻炼狗狗又能增进主人与狗狗之间的感情,何乐而不为呢? Every sunny season, riding a bicycle on a bicycle
[例1],患者男性,59岁,长征医院住院号151558。胸闷气急一个月,右胸腔内大量积液,肺部 X 线阴性。胸水涂片:镜下见大小不一成团瘤细胞,核染色质细,部分分布不均呈条纹状,个别