据有关调查显示:全世界将被乘数、乘数严格区分开的国家只有中国和马来西亚,更让人不可思议的是这两个国家对被乘数、乘数的定义正好相反 例如要求3个0.5是多少,中国写成0.5×3,而马来西亚写成3×0.5。其他国家则没有严格的规定,用这两种中的任意一种表示都可以。在对比中我们发现,这种区分大可不必,完全是作茧自缚。好在新课程中已明确指出不再区分被乘数和乘数,例:3个5,可以写作3×5,也可以写作5×3,3和5都是乘数(也可以叫
According to relevant surveys, the countries in the world that will be strictly separated by multipliers and multipliers are China and Malaysia. Even more incredible is the fact that these two countries have exactly the same definition of multiplicand multipliers. For example, three 0.5 How much, China written 0.5 × 3, while Malaysia wrote 3 × 0.5. There are no strict rules in other countries, either of which can be used. In contrast, we found that this distinction need not be entirely cocoon tied. Fortunately, the new course has clearly pointed out no longer distinguish between multiplicands and multipliers, for example: 3 5, you can write 3 × 5, you can also write 5 × 3,3 and 5 are multiples (also called