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以刚挂果的成龄两性株截顶后产生的侧芽为材料,对“台农杂交2号”番木瓜进行组织培养技术研究。结果表明:外植体经75%酒精、饱和香皂水和300 mg/L利福平预处理后,用75%酒精浸泡50 s、1.5%次氯酸钠10 min和0.1%升汞10 min的复合消毒程序,消毒成功率可提高至80%以上。外植体第2~5个芽位在MS+0.02 mg/L NAA+0.2 mg/L BAP培养基中光照培养4周后出芽诱率可达50%。出芽的外植体在MS+0.02 mg/L NAA+0.2 mg/L BAP+1 mg/L GA3+0.25 mg/L KT培养基中培养4~5个月进行丛生芽诱导,丛生芽诱导后再转接至MS+0.02 mg/L NAA+1 mg/L GA3+0.4 mg/L KT培养基中光照培养1~2月,可获得健壮的、形态正常的不定芽。1.5~2.0 cm的不定芽在MS+0.5 mg/L IBA培养基中暗培养一周后,再转接至1/2 MS与蛭石1:2混合的培养基中培养3周后可形成根系形态正常、发达的完整组培苗,根诱导率达90%以上。 The buds of lateral buds produced by the truncated adult budding adults were used as materials to study the tissue culture technology of “Tainong Hybridization 2 ” papaya. The results showed that when the explants were pretreated with 75% alcohol, saturated soap water and 300 mg / L rifampicin, the disinfection procedure with 75% alcohol for 50 s, 1.5% sodium hypochlorite for 10 min and 0.1% , Disinfection success rate can be increased to more than 80%. The budding rate of shoots 2-5 in explants was up to 50% in MS + 0.02 mg / L NAA + 0.2 mg / L BAP medium for 4 weeks. The budding explants were cultured in MS + 0.02 mg / L NAA + 0.2 mg / L BAP + 1 mg / L GA3 + 0.25 mg / L KT medium for 4-5 months to induce shoots, Transferred to MS +0.02 mg / L NAA + 1 mg / L GA3 +0.4 mg / L KT medium for 1 to 2 months of light training, to obtain robust, morphologically normal adventitious buds. Adventitious buds of 1.5-2.0 cm were cultured in MS + 0.5 mg / L IBA medium for one week, then transferred to 1/2 MS mixed with vermiculite 1: 2 medium for 3 weeks to form root morphology Normal and developed complete tissue culture seedlings, root induction rate of more than 90%.
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应用遗传算法 ,以激光束径向光强无“黑心”的最大输出功率为目标函数 ,整体优化设计了百瓦量级铜蒸气激光系统的激光头以及放电电路 .脉冲放电电场的趋肤效应导致“黑心” ,
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