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  My Visit to Angkor Wat
  By Zhang Xinmin
  When I stood on the top of Phnom Bakheng, soaking up the panoramic view of Angkor Wat only 1.5 kilometers away, I murmured to myself that once I stepped into the site, I would never forget what I saw there. My prediction has turned out to be true so far. Though more than half a year has elapsed since my visit to Angkor Wat during the Spring Festival of 2007, I still felt as if I visited the ancient miracle just yesterday. My memories are fresh as ever.
  My trip included Vietnam and Cambodia. More than 3,000 photographs in my digital camera testified to my unforgettable tour. I saw the French impressions in Saigon, I lost myself in the boating on the Mekong, and I was horrified by the Choeung Et killing fields; the most haunting memory, however, is Angkor Wat. Although I had read up on the ancient architecture and history of Angkor Wat, when the extensive site actually loomed in front of me, the view still took my breath away. The grandeur conquered me. I remember occasionally trekking to the Gem Hill by the West Lake in my hometown Hangzhou to watch sunrise when I was a kid. The sunset was a natural wonder. Taking such a commanding view of Angkor Wat from the top of the hill, I knew I was witnessing a man-made miracle.
  It is hard to imagine how Angkor was built and how it survived history. It was much later than Egyptian pyramids and Pantheon and it seemed totally separated from the western civilization.Yet, the splendor of the sheer scale, the refined art of the stone carving, and the architectural design represent the best of the ancient civilizations.
  It is said that the Khmer people transported huge stones for hundreds of kilometers with the aid of elephants and on the Siem Reap River for building Angkor. Without cement and elevating devices, without an advanced computing system, they erected a temple as tall as 65 meters, that is, equal to a 22-story building today. Of the ruins, the wood palaces are long gone. Only stones have stood, bearing witness to history.
  Angkor Wat was built when the Angkor dynasty ruled. According to history, the city was home to over 1 million residents in its heydays. Of its contemporaries, London had a population of 50,000. The Angkor civilization was wiped out by a plague in the 14th century. The French explorer H. Mouhout ran into the ruins. (需要添加年份) He shook physically and psychically standing in front of the splendid ruins. What had prompted this rediscovery adventure was a book named “The Customs of Chenla?by Zhou Daguan, a man from Wenzhou, a port city in eastern China’s coastal Zhejiang Province today. Zhou came in 1296 to Angkor with envoys of the Yuan Dynasty and stayed in the capital of the State of Chenla for over a year. After his return, he jotted down his experiences there.
  The book is the only existing ancient record in the world about the prosperous dynasty in Indo-China. In less than 10,000 words, the account touches upon various aspects of the empire. Among other things, it describes how the emperor’s cavalcade traveled, how a woman gave birth to a baby, how men and women took bath in communal bathhouses, and how markets operated. Just like its subject, the precious book was buried in history for about seven centuries before it was noticed in the 19th century when western scholars exerted themselves to know all about China. The account led them to the ruins.
  In 1971, the book was translated into the language of Cambodia and the modern Khmer people got to read how their ancient ancestors lived in Angkor. In the long history of the human civilization, in all probabilities, only Angkor Wat fits the description that a civilization was first witnessed and recorded by a foreigner and, after it was long lost, rediscovered by a foreigner. Probably this is why Angkor Wat offers such an abiding fascination to the people of today.
  (Translated by David)
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