乳腺X线摄片普查乳腺癌对50~69岁的妇女有助于早期发现癌肿,降低死亡率。然而,在50岁以下妇女,用该法筛查乳腺癌的效果尚不确切。本文的目的是评价在不同年龄组妇女中进行乳腺癌筛查的可靠性。 研究对象为荷兰Nijmegen地区乳腺X线摄片乳腺癌普查项目中的所有乳腺癌患者,包括在普查过程中发现的和经临床确诊的病例。该项目始于1975年,每2年重复一次,到目前已经普查8轮,共计4万多名妇女。根据诊断前最后一次普查时的年龄分为三组,即50岁以下组,50~69岁组和70岁以上组,普查效果的评价是根据通过普查所发现的乳腺癌病例占各年
Breast X-ray screening of breast cancer for women aged 50 to 69 helps to detect cancer early and reduce mortality. However, in women under the age of 50, the effect of screening breast cancer using this method is not yet clear. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the reliability of breast cancer screening in women of different age groups. The study subjects were all breast cancer patients in the mammographic breast cancer screening project in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, including those found during the census and clinically confirmed cases. The project began in 1975 and is repeated every two years. There have been eight rounds of census and a total of more than 40,000 women. According to the age at the time of the last census before diagnosis, they were divided into three groups: the 50-year-old group, the 50-69-year-old group, and the 70-year-old group. The evaluation of the census results was based on the cases of breast cancer discovered through the census.