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个体私营等民营经济的发展,无疑是中国经济制度演变的重要内容之一。由以公有制为主体的多种经济成分并存的所有制替代了单一的公有制,标志着中国经济制度的全面创新。不仅如此,现今发展起来的个体私营等民营经济,并不是非社会主义时期同名词的简单重复,更不是旧制度的复辟,而是对旧制度的扬弃,抛弃了其消极部分,保留了其积极部分,并由此产生出新质,即生产要素与生产条件的新组合,体现在:一方面在外部经济条件上(原料来源和产品销售)与公有制经济紧密相联;另方面在内部劳资关系上,企业主与雇佣工人均是国家的主人,同受社会主义政策法令的约束和保护。这也就是现今个体私营经济区分于非社 The development of private economy such as private economy and private economy is undoubtedly one of the important contents of the evolution of China’s economic system. The substitution of a single public ownership system by the coexistence of various economic components with public ownership as the mainstay marked the overall innovation of the Chinese economic system. Not only that, the private economy developed nowadays is not simply a repetition of the same nouns in the non-socialist period, nor is it a restoration of the old system, but a sublation of the old system, abandoning its negative part and retaining its activeness Part, and thus produce a new quality, that is, a new combination of factors of production and production conditions, reflected in: on the one hand, the external economic conditions (raw material sources and product sales) and the public economy closely linked; the other hand, internal labor relations Both business owners and wage-workers are the masters of the country and are subject to and protected by the socialist policies and decrees. This is what distinguishes current private economy from non-government
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夏普发表了可将制造成本减半的晶圆制造方法(2BO.3.1:New WaferTechnology for Crystalline Sillicon Solar Cell)。该公司已建立了使用传送带等的自动化生产线,是“量产水平