
来源 :美术观察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eltonlijun
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李君毅第一次来北京举办个展时,刚毕业于香港中文大学艺术系不久。最近再次来北京展出他的近作,则是刚毕业于台中东海大学美术研究所。作为一个画家,他经历了近十个年头。虽然谈不上风风雨雨,但是他的成长以及成长中的艺术,却反映了一个现代水墨画家的心路历程。当李君毅从学化学转到学艺术时就已经开始酿造生活的苦酒,好在艺术的力量使他乐在其中,从苦中品尝到甜的滋味。在一个非常实际的社会里,艺术的自由王国则是建立在一个非常不实际的时空中。当李君毅自一种偶然的技巧试验得到师长的赞同后也就开始了漫长而单一的完善过程,软木和方块的神奇带来了视觉的享受,也规定了他在极其有限的可能中扩展自己艺术的无限性。就技法层面来看李君毅的画,不象谈笔墨那样晦涩艰深,它的可叙述性,实际上是一种非常理性的操作,而且这种操作与传统观念中的笔墨大相径庭,甚至完全背道而驰。所以,李君毅是把这种语言的独立性作为自己的追求,无 Li Junyi first came to Beijing to hold a solo exhibition, just graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Art soon. He recently came to Beijing again to present his recent works, is just graduated from the Art Institute of East China Sea in Taichung. As an artist, he has experienced nearly ten years. Although it is hard to talk about the ups and downs, his growth and growing art reflects the mentality of a modern ink and wash artist. When Li Junyi switched from learning chemistry to art, he started to make life’s bitter wine. Fortunately, the power of art made him enjoy himself and enjoy the sweet taste from bitterness. In a very real society, the art of freedom kingdom is built in a very unrealistic space and time. When Li Junyi started his long and simple process of perfection as a result of an ingenious tricks experiment, the magic of cork and box brought visual enjoyment, and he also extended his art with extremely limited possibilities Infinity. Li Junyi’s painting on the technical level is not as obscure as it is about ink and brush. Its narrative nature is actually a very rational operation, and this operation runs counter to the traditions and even completely runs counter to it. Therefore, Li Junyi took this language’s independence as his own pursuit, nothing
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