
来源 :北京实验动物科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cngvr
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利用l988年建立的人视网膜母细胞瘤细胞系—SO-Rb_(50),作裸鼠移植瘤的实验研究。在手术显微镜下,用微量注射器吸取SO-Rb_(50)的细胞悬浮液0.45—0.5μl,含细胞数1.5—2.5×10~7个,注入裸鼠眼前房内。共注射7只裸鼠的右眼,左眼为对照。实验眼于注射后第3天瞳孔区即出现肉眼可见到的灰白色混蚀,以后逐日增多,或在前房,或进入玻璃体内。约于注射后第7周出现右眼球突出,逐渐加剧。长期观察的实验鼠左眼也逐渐丧失视力,最后小鼠衰竭死亡。病理检查见典型的视网膜母细胞瘤细胞充满眼球腔,伴有不同程度变性坏死,部分眼内移植瘤瘤细胞呈菊形团样结构。肿瘤侵入眼球各层组织,破坏眼球壁扩展至眼眶内。长期观察的实验鼠肿瘤细胞除侵犯视乳头、视神经外,可沿着视神经侵犯视交叉等。另外,将SO-Rb_(50)的细胞悬浮液0.5ml,含细胞1×10~8 个,注入7只裸鼠右颈背部皮下,只有1只于注射后第4周长出皮下移植瘤,其余6只观察50~90天均未出现肿瘤。可见SO-Rb_(50)细胞接种于眼前房内比接种于皮下更易形成移植瘤。移植瘤的组织学及免疫组织化学检查,与人类视网膜母细胞瘤相一致。 In l988, we established a mouse intraocular lens (MS) -SO-Rb_ (50) for the experimental study of transplanted xenografts in nude mice. Under the operation microscope, 0.45-0.5μl of SO-Rb_ (50) cell suspension was aspirated with microinjector and 1.5-2.5 × 10-7 cells were injected into the anterior chamber of nude mice. Co-injection of 7 nude mice right eye, left eye as a control. Experimental eyes on the 3rd day after injection pupil area that appears macroscopic grayish erosions visible after the daily increase, or in the anterior chamber, or into the vitreous. About the seventh week after injection, the right eyeball appeared and gradually aggravated. Long-term observation of the left eye mice gradually lose vision, and finally mice died of death. Pathological examination showed typical retinoblastoma cells filled with eyeball cavity, with varying degrees of degeneration and necrosis, some of the intraocular tumor xenograft tumor-like structure. Tumors invade the eye layers of tissue, destroy the eye wall expansion to the orbit. Long-term observation of tumor cells in mice in violation of the optic nerve, optic nerve, along the optic nerve may violate the optic chiasm and so on. In addition, 0.5 ml of SO-Rb_ (50) cell suspension, 1 × 10 ~ 8 cells were injected subcutaneously in the right cervical back of 7 nude mice, and only 1 subcutaneously transplanted tumor grew in the 4th week after injection. The remaining 6 observed 50 to 90 days were no tumor. It can be seen that SO-Rb_ (50) cells are more easily inoculated in the anterior chamber than inoculated into the skin to form xenografts. Histology and immunohistochemistry of the xenografts were consistent with human retinoblastoma.
日前英美两国联合进行的一项调查显示,每对夫妻每日花在家务琐事上的争吵平均竟达到40分钟,而其中争吵的“最大项”则是由随处乱丢的衣服鞋袜引起的! A recent survey condu
视网膜母细胞瘤(Rb)是儿童最常见的眼内肿瘤,遗传方式为常染色体显性遗传,RB 基因双拷贝突变也可产生 RB。携带RB 易感基因个体其它肿瘤发病率明显增加。RB 基因定位于13q14
Ptader-willi 综合征(PWS)是与肥胖有关的畸形综合征中最常见的一种类型。其特征是婴幼儿期肌张力低、智力低下、身材矮小、生殖器发育不全、肢体畸形及特殊面容。研究发现