
来源 :棉花 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BlueHeart1111
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一般对棉花灌溉的要求:是“小水勤浇”。几年来的体会,特别是去年棉花生产大跃进的考验,感觉有些问题。由于死板的执行小水勤浇,常使浇水不浇足,以致根浅易倒,抗旱抗涝能力很差,脱落严重。尤其是苗期初次浇水,如果水量小,就影响根系向下伸展。去年本所肥料试验区的棉花,因为初次灌溉仅注意了小水,未注意浇足浇深浇透,因而地下18厘米深度的土壤,于灌溉之后仍然是潮干土的状态。结果是棉苗得到水分之后,就猛长了几天,地表面的土壤很快的干燥之后,就又萎(?),造成了必须勤浇以维持所需水分的局面,在同一试验区中有一个重复,因为夜间灌溉,渠道跑水, The general requirements for cotton irrigation: is “a small water pouring.” Experience over the past few years, especially last year’s test of the Great Leap Forward in cotton production, I feel some problems. Due to the rigid implementation of small water pouring, watering is often not poured enough, so root easy to fall, drought and water logging capacity is poor, serious loss. Especially the first seedling watering, if the water is small, it affects the roots down. Last year, the fertilizers in the experimental area of ​​cotton, because the initial irrigation only pay attention to the small water, did not pay attention to the pouring of pouring enough depth, so the depth of 18 cm underground soil, after irrigation is still dry soil conditions. The result is that after the seedlings have been hydrated, they are fierce for a few days. After the soil on the ground surface dries quickly, it wilt (?) Again, creating a situation where water must be drenched to maintain the desired level of moisture. In the same experimental area There is a repetition, because irrigation at night, the channel running water,
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本文讨论的是“动、补、宾”句式 ,即述语后共补语和宾语结构。其不同于前人的方法是 ,以宾语为视点 ,联系它同动词和补语的关系 ,首先归纳整理出六种结构模式 ,然后以补语所
金立M6采用了一体式的金属机身,侧面经过了2道弧线收腰,这就让M6侧面与手掌接触的部分比实际厚度薄了很多,握起来给人一种机器挺薄的错觉。金立在M6的侧面镀上了一层透明的涂层,起到了很好的防滑效果。此外,M6可同时安装MicroSD卡和2个MicroSIM卡,是目前少数能让双卡双待和存储卡扩充两不耽误的机型。  为了保证续航效果,金立为M6准备了5000mAh大容量电池,并选择了更为省电的AMOLE
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