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一直以来,闽南语歌曲为海峡两岸及世界各地的闽南乡亲所津津乐道并传唱着,凡是有闽南语系的地区如闽台一带、广东潮汕、上海昆山、江浙地区、海南以及东南亚等地,都少不了闽南语歌曲,可见其辐射影响之大,说到闽南语歌曲,这个极具特殊韵味和魅力的“乡土”歌曲,很多人都会想到台湾的闽南语歌曲,其实真正的闽南语歌曲源头是在厦门这一边,闽台两地的渊源相当深远,闽南语歌曲可以说是闽南文化精华浓缩的体现,它的不断崛起、发展和演变,无不渗透着古老悠久的历史,从最初的歌谣启蒙到戏曲音乐,再到风起云涌的各种流行乐风,始终因应着时代的不同需要而生存。 All along, Taiwanese and Taiwanese songs are sung and sung by Taiwanese folks living on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and around the world. Wherever there are Taiwanese-speaking areas such as Fujian and Taiwan, Chaoshan in Guangdong, Kunshan in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Hainan and Southeast Asia With the help of Taiwanese songs, we can see the great impact of radiation. When it comes to Hokkien songs, this song has a very special flavor and charm. Many people think of Taiwanese Taiwanese songs, in fact, the source of Taiwanese songs Is on the Xiamen side, the origins of Fujian and Taiwan are far-reaching, the Taiwanese-Chinese song can be said to be the epitome of Taiwanese culture, and its continuous rise, development and evolution are all permeating the ancient and long history and enlightenment from the initial ballads To the opera music, to the surging style of pop music, always in response to the different needs of the times and survive.
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