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我们唱着《东方红》,我们讲着《春天的故事》,我们《走进新时代》,我们满怀胜利的喜悦阔步跨入了新世纪,开启了现代化建设的新征途。正当中华儿女欢度新世纪第一个新春佳节的幸福时刻,我们《湖南经济》杂志社全体同仁,向全国人民拜年,向三湘父老乡亲拜年,向关心、爱护 We sing “Dongfanghong”, we tell the story of “Spring,” and we “walked into a new era.” The joy of victory has been striding into the new century and opening a new journey of modernization. At a happy moment when the sons and daughters of China celebrate the first Spring Festival in the new century, we, Hunan Economic Magazine, all my colleagues, celebrate the New Year to the people of the whole country,
Studies have suggested that aluminum,a neurotoxic metal,is involved in the progression of neurodegenerative diseases.Previous studies have confirmed that alumin
Artificial facial nerve prostheses are thought to restore eye-closed function in peripheral facial paralysis patients. At present,however,there is no adequate q
Studies have confirmed that iron induces epilepsy onset,and iron ion-induced epilepsy in animal models closely resembles the clinical situation.Models of post-t
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Transplantation of activated transgenic Schwann cells or a fetal spinal cord cell suspension has been widely used to treat spinal cord injury. However, little i
据报道,俄罗斯已成功地完成一种新式隐形战斗机的一系列试飞。 这种新式隐形战斗机名为苏-37“金鹰”战斗机。它是由苏霍伊设计公司(其首席设计师为西蒙诺夫)研制的,于1997