Authentication and Access Control in RFID Based Logistics-customs Clearance Service Platform

来源 :International Journal of Automation & Computing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoruizhou
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The content security requirements of a radio frequency identification (RFID) based logistics-customs clearance service platform (LCCSP) are analysed in this paper. Then, both the unified identity authentication and the access control modules are designed according to those analyses. Finally, the unified identity authentication and the access control on the business level are implemented separately. In the unified identity authentication module, based on an improved Kerberos-based authentication approach, a new control transfer method is proposed to solve the sharing problem of tickets among different servers of different departments. In the access control module, the functions of access controls are divided into different granularities to make the access control management more flexible. Moreover, the access control module has significant reference value for user management in similar systems. The content security requirements of a radio frequency identification (RFID) based logistics-customs clearance service platform (LCCSP) are analysed in this paper. Then, the both the unified identity authentication and the access control modules are designed according to those analyzes. unified identity authentication and the access control on the business level are implemented separately. In the unified identity authentication module, based on an improved Kerberos-based authentication approach, a new control transfer method is proposed to solve the sharing problem of tickets among different servers of different departments. In the access control module, the functions of access controls are divided into different granularities to make the access control management more flexible. Moreover, the access control module has significant reference value for user management in similar systems.
我很好奇,为什么两个不同类型的女子,都遭受到很多男人的攻击,一是中性李宇春,二是曼妙范冰冰。春哥抢男人风头所以遭人恨还情有可原,那么冰冰那么狐媚为什么还讨好不了那些好色的男人?  因为那些目光与呼吸一样短促的男人,看不到她的风骨,而只看见她的“风尘”。  很多一线女星、美女,与高挑而妩媚的范冰冰站在一起的时候,就莫名其妙地相形见拙。后来,我研究发现她身上那种狐媚,是有力度的,不同于一般美人的想当然
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